Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

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*Natalie's POV*

"Please tell me Penny is moving here, too," I say and close my eyes hoping the answer is yes. If I can't have Anthony around whenever I need him then Penny is better than nothing. I don't want to lose contact with her and never see her again. I want to go to Hofstra with Anthony and no offense, but Penny isn't smart enough to get in.

"You know she has her parents and her little sister," my mom explains. "She can't move here."

"Whatever. I don't see why this is even happening. Do I have to go to school here?" I ask even though I already know the answer.

"You honestly think we are going to drive a long way South every single day just to go to a school? All you have is a couple months to go and then you can go to Hofstra and see Anthony again," she replies and I just stand up in anger.

"Ok fine. I've always wanted to come here to New York so I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it," I reply and head towards the smaller bedroom.

The apartment has two bedrooms, one big one and one small one. I'm guessing my mom would like the bigger one.

Penny follows me and I plop down on the bed. "What am I supposed to do? I can't even imagine Anthony out of my life for even a couple months," I state and Penny just puts her arm on my shoudler.

"Look, I'm just as scared as you are because I'm going to our community college just down the road from my house. I don't want to lose contact with you. I'm just as furious as you are, but your mom seems really serious about this. She actually called an estate agent today and asked them to sell the house. We're going back to North Carolina on Christmas Eve," she exlpains and I feel my face burning with anger.

"This is stupid. I can't say goodbye to Anthony," I explain.

"Don't say goodbye then. Say see you later," she replies. "It's going to be hard saying goodbye to each other considering every thing we've been through."

"We'll make plans to hang out, right?" I ask and she nods.

"Of course," she responds and we hug. "Well, I am sleeping on the couch tonight and I am really tired so goodnight." With that, Penny leaves.

I take out my phone and text Niall with the number he gave me.

Hi. This is Natalie and I realized I haven't texted you and you said something about planning a date for technically today and I don't know if you're still up or not so yeah.

I hit send and lie back on my bed. Well, it used to be a spare bedroom which I guess is now my bed. I don't like this at all. Then, my phone buzzes with a text from Niall.

Oh, hey! Awesome I was afraid you may not text me, but yeah I am awake. We actually just arrived at the hotel. What do you want to do tomorrow. I will let you choose our date :)

I smile and begin typing.

Maybe we could go somewhere to eat for lunch since I will probably sleep in until noon. Do you maybe want to meet somewhere around one in the afternoon?

I send the message and anxiously wait for a reply.

Of course, love. Instead of meeting somewhere, do you want me to pick you up?

I smile. I don't know why, but I get butterflies in my stomach as my fingers stumble across the keyboard. They were shaking from my nerves and I wasn't even asleep yet.

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