Chpater Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

All Rights Reserved

*Natalie's POV*

Niall opens the car door and I hop inside. We have the back seat while Greg drives and their mom has the passenger seat.

"You have a surprise for me?" I ask and Niall just looks over at me.

"Greg helped me buy it. He picked out the-"

"Niall! Don't give it away," Greg cuts him off.

"Oh, sorry," he whispers and I giggle.

We arrive at Niall's house and he gets out. I get out and he blindfolds me. "Niall," I say and I can see him smiling.

"Hold on a second," he whispers and he guides me somewhere down the street. It felt like we were walking for a long time. "Ok," he says and takes off the blindfold. Standing in front of me is a brand new car. It's a blue smart car, a car I've always wanted ever since I was very little.

"Niall, how did you know that I've always wanted a car like this?" I ask in disbelief.

"Penny," he replies and I just smile.

"That makes sense," I reply and feel extremely stupid. Penny would've been the only one he could've asked. Well. besides my mom, but he hasn't talked to her in months.

"Do you like it?" he asks with a hopeful smile.

"Yes," I begin. "Why did you randomly get something for me now?"

"I don't know. It's a present just to show you how much I love you," he explains and wraps me in his arms from behind. "I love you too much to keep that to myself."

"I love you, too, but I don't have enough money to get anything as cool and as huge as this," I explain and look at my feet.

"Nat, I don't need material things or money from you for me to know how much you love me. The only thing I have to do to see that you will always love me is look into your green eyes and see our future together. Plus, you saved my goddamn life. I love you more than anything. Everyday I love you just a little bit more," he begins and moves closer to me. "I loved not nearly as much as today yesterday, love you more today, and will love you way more than I do today tomorrow. Every single time I look at you, Nat, I fall in love all over again."

"I love you so much, Niall. You're such a sweet boy and sometimes I feel like I don't deserve your love. I sometimes believe that there could be a girl out there better for you than me," I explain and he cups my face in his hands.

"Who else would've risked their life for me?" he simply asks.

"Well, some of your fans maybe would've," I reply and he shakes his head.

"No. You are the only girl who saved my life risking hers with so much love in your heart. You love me by what we've talked about. You're real and not someone fake and that's way it took so long for you to forgive me. Because you are a real person with real feelings and I love you for that," he responds and releases my face. He takes my left hand and we go back to his house.

"Why is the car so far down the road?" I ask and he just laughs as if the answer is obvious.

"So you didn't see it when we got home," he replies and I get closer to his side.

"Well, I think that is just so sweet," I respond and he smiles.

"How long do you have until your arm heals?" he asks.

"The doctor said maybe 5 weeks," I recall.

***five weeks later***December 31st***

As I enter the hospital with Niall by my side, a nurse walks up to and greets me. "Hello, Miss Leitner. It looks like your shoulder has healed very nicely. Doctor Frimen will see you in a few moments to check and see if you still need that pesky sling," she explains and I smile.

"I can feel my right arm again and move it. I'm so happy. And the wound is almost healed," I reply and Niall takes my hand.

I have been living with Niall and his family for the past five weeks until I can function properly again. After today when I get this sling off, I will attempt to drive us back to Niall's house. Wish me luck.

"Natalie Leitner," the doctor says as he motions for me to go into the exam room alone.

"Niall, wait here," I whisper and he smiles.

"Don't take too long," he replies and kisses my forehead. I kiss his cheek then go back into the exam room.

"Ok, Miss Leitner, I think that you are perfectly fine without this sling. You may resume your life back to normal now and that wound on your shoulder will heal in no time," the doctor explains after he does an ordinary check up and examine my arm and shoulder reflexes.

"Thank you, Doctor Frimen," I state and head out into the waiting room. Niall is sitting there and when he spots me, his face lights up.

"You don't have your sling anymore," he says noticing my now normal arm.

"Yep. Which means I can drive us home," I say and he just smiles.

"Ok, well, I have to go back on tour soon and my flat in London, I'm deciding to call it our flat in London. I even got you your own key," he explains and hands me a brand new key that looks like it was just made in the past few days.

"Niall," I whisper and wrap my arms around him. "I love you so much."

"I love you more," he retorts and I smile.

"What if I love you more?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"How about we love each other equally?" he suggests and I giggle.

"Why not?" I reply and we head to the car. I hop in the driver's seat and Niall piles into the passenger seat. "Ready, Horan?" I ask teasing him and he just chuckles.

"Let's go, Leitner," he responds and everything just seems perfect. Things were finally back to the way they were before Niall almost got killed.

I step on the gas pedal and begin driving to Niall's house. I keep my focus on the road and take a deep breath. I haven't driven a car in about three months. Oh well, I still knew all the driving laws and rules.

We arrive at Niall's house where Greg and his mom were cooking dinner.

"Natalie, did Niall tell you he wants you to move in with him in London?" Greg asks and I nod my head.

"Yes and I accepted. It's a great step in our relationship," I exclaim and Niall puts his arm around me.

"Well, that means you have to get your stuff from New York, right?" Niall asks and I nod my head shamefully. "When do you want to go to New York?" he asks and I shrug. "How about tomorrow?" he adds and holds up plane tickets heading for New York tomorrow around 5 in the morning.

"Well, let me give my mom a call," I explain and grab my cell phone out of my back pocket. I dial my mom's phone number.

"Hello, Natalie," she answers into the phone.

"Hey, mom. Niall asked me to move in with him and I am flying to New York tomorrow to get all my stuff," I explain and I can see my mother smiling.

"Yeah I got a call from Hofstra saying Annie told them you wanted to drop out of college," she explains and I get nervous.

"Yes...." I reply.

"As long as you know exactly what you're doing. I trust Niall so do you want me to pack your bags so when you get them tomorrow you can just grab them and go?" she asks.

"Well, when we get there we may have to find some tickets to London so I'll handle the packing considering I won't need to just grab and go," I explain.

"Ok, honey. Bye. Love you," my mom states and I smile.

"Bye, mom, and love you, too," I respond into the phone and hang up.

"We should get some rest if we are going to catch our plane in time," Niall suggests and I nod in agreement.

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