Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

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*Natalie's POV*

I turn around and spot an unfamiliar face holding me back from jumping. "Young lady, you are aware that jumping off this bridge can kill you, right?" the man asks and I just gulp.

"Yes," I reply and find some courage in me. "That was the point."

"Well, come with me. I was hired by Mr. Niall Horan to make sure you are safe all the time. And miss, that boy loves you so much," he replies.

"Well, tell him he lost me. He should've understood that my feelings are fragile just like his, so he can kiss me goodbye. I am trying to get him out of my head, but I just can't. That's why I attempted this," I admit and the guy just stands there stunned.

"He didn't mean to hurt you, miss, in all due respect. He loves you and he was really hurt when he saw that picture of you kissing another guy," he explains.

"I know, but I was single at the time and he shouldn't have jumped to conclusions without consulting me first. He didn't keep his promise, so I will be on my way. Thank you for saving me from death, I guess?" I respond and begin to head towards the dorm rooms. This was going to be a long day.

****A few weeks later****

As I enter the airport with my bags packed, I call Louis. "Hello?" he answers.

"Hey, Lou. Do you think it'll be ok if I stay at your place while I stay in London?" I ask and I can see Louis smiling a cheeky smile.

"Sure," he replies then hangs up. I just shrug and stuff my phone back into my pocket. I board the plane and find a seat in the back where I like to be. I also like to be right next to the window just so I can see the landscape underneath me.

I lean my head against the back of the airline seat and my eyelids become heavier by the second until I am passed out.

"Don't listen to him, Natalie, I love you more than you could ever imagine," Niall begs me and I just stare at him and shake my head.

"You had your chance," I say and let go of his hand. He falls to my feet and starts crying.

"Tell me what I can do to make me a priority in your life again. I miss you more than ever. I've been crying for so long and I can't believe I was so stupid. Just please forgive me and we can resume the best relationship I ever had," he begs. "I don't want you to leave me because I need you."

"Niall," I say and he stands up.

"Excuse me, miss," he says and I become confused. "The plane has landed."

I wake up from the dream and see the lady sitting next to me tapping my shoulder telling me that we are in London.

"Thank you," I state and stand up. I grab my overhead luggage and walk towards the front of the plane. I exit into the tunnel leading me into the airport. I arrive in the airport and Louis runs up to me.

"I've been waiting until you arrived, Nat," he says and hugs me and I hug back.

"I haven't seen you in a long time, Lou," I state and he looks at his feet bashfully.

"I missed you, Nat. I'm lost without you," he explains acting as if it really hurt him.

"Whatever," I begin and playfully punch his shoulder. "Let's just go to your house and get ready for this party tomorrow. Will there be acohol?"

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