Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

All Rights Reserved

*Natalie's POV*

"How did I become so lucky to have you as my girlfriend?" Niall asks during our dance and I just shrug.

"I guess yelling through a phone in a hospital works for attention getting," I joke and he just laughs.

"Funny," he states sarcastically.

"I thought it was," I reply and he just kisses my lips tenderly.

"I want to know how a girl like you ever gave a guy like me a chance," he wonders and I smile. I keep staring into Niall's endless blue eyes and everything seems too perfect to ever be ruined.

"I don't know, Horan, but I'm sure glad I did," I state and he just laughs.

"No kidding," he adds.

"Natalie! There is someone here to see you!" my mom shouts and I just look at Niall with an expression of sadness.

"Hold on a second," I say and exit my room. Niall follows.

I walk into the living room and see Anthony standing there. "Natalie," he whispers and hugs me.

"Anthony. I haven't seen you in forever," I return the warmth of meeting a long lost friend.

"I know. Anything new happening lately?" he asks and I shrug.

"I got shot in the shoulder and had to have somebody give me blood to stay alive," I explain and he looks worried.

"Are you ok? Who gave you blood?" he keeps asking worried questions and I just laugh.

"Don't worry. Niall gave me blood," I state pointing to Niall standing in the doorway.

"You're back together with him?" Anthony asks a little saddened and I realize I didn't tell him that I forgave him.

"Uh, maybe just a little bit," I say and begin backing away.

"Where have you been all this time?" he asks randomly and I blush.

"In Mullingar, Ireland," I reply and he shakes his head.

"But, Natalie, he cheated on you," he exclaims.

"I forgave him," I respond and walk over to Niall. I take his hand and Niall puts his arm around my shoulder.

"You never forgave Evan," he states and I laugh.

"Evan isn't the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love Niall more than I ever loved Evan," I explain and smile up at Niall. He smiles back and I feel secure like nothing would be able to hurt me except him.

"You don't understand, Natalie. I have had a major crush on you since the 5th grade," Anthony confesses and I feel all the stares on me.

"How come you've waited all this time to tell me?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I don't know, but for some reason, I was too scared considering you only saw me as a friend. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but I honestly don't care anymore. After this loser cheated on you I thought I had a pretty good chance, but you went crawling back to him. I am disappointed, Natalie," Anthony explains and runs out of the room. He closes the door behind him with a slam and a tear finds a path down my cheek.

"Niall," I whisper and bury my face in his chest getting his shirt wet.

"It's ok, Nat. Everything will be all right," Niall consoles me as he wraps me in a warm hug. With Niall, I feel like I can conquer anything. He makes me feel great and I shouldn't be crying. I should be happy that Niall isn't leaving me behind.

"You really think so?" I ask and he smiles.

"Anthony is just one person on this planet. Don't let him get to you, ok? Just know that our love is greater than anything and that as long as we have each other, no one will stand in our way. No one, nothing, or anything else could make our love fade away because, Nat," he begins and makes sure I am looking into his blue eyes, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I respond and hug him back tighter. This boy is just so amazing.

"I got you guys two plane tickets to London for tomorrow," my mom explains and I smile.

"Thanks, mom," I reply and grab the tickets.

"You two have fun. When are you going back on tour?" my mom asks Niall.

"Well, if we leave tomorrow for London, we'll get to my flat earlier than I thought we would, which means I have exactly a week to spend with Natalie until I go on tour," he explains and I smile.

"Ok, you two lovebirds. I hope you guys have a great time in your combined home," my mom states and goes into her bedroom.

"I think this is a great way for us to advance in our relationship," I explain and Niall smiles as if there is no tomorrow.

"I think that no matter what we decided to do, we will always love each other," he states and crashes his lips into mine.

**the next day in the New York airport**

As Niall and I board the plane that is taking us to London, a blonde girl runs up to us.

"Are you Niall Horan from One Direction?" she asks and he nods with a bright smile. "And are you Natalie Leitner, his girlfriend?" she asks another question, but this one aimed at me.

"Yes," I reply and she looks like she might pass out.

"I'm Veronica and I think you two are so perfect for each other!" she shouts and holds out a napkin and a pen. "Can I get both of your autographs? And a picture taken? My friends will be so jealous when they know I met Niall and Natalie!"

"Sure," Niall says and signs the napkin. I sign the napkin and she grabs her phone.

"Mom, can you take the picture?" Veronica asks and her mom just takes the phone with a bored expression. Veronica then squeezes between Niall and me and smiles. I can tell she doesn't have to froce the smile. Niall and I smile as well.

Her mom takes the picture and the blonde girl looks over at us with starstruck eyes. "Thank you," she manages to say.

"You're welcome," Niall and I say at the same time. I smile and Niall just puts his arm around me.

"Bye, Veronica," he states and we board the plane.

"Your fans are so sweet," I say when we sit near the back of the plane.

"Most of them are. You're glad we haven't run into any directionators yet. They probably despise you," he explains and I just laugh.

"Our love can overcome anything," I state and he smiles.

"That is exactly right," he agrees and puts his arm around me. I fall asleep instantly knowing I've finally found the guy of my dreams.


Author's Note:

Hope you liked the story :D

The sequel is here!!!! It's called Don't Rip My Heart, Horan  and it is out now so check it out!


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