Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

All Rights Reserved

*Natalie's POV*

"Natalie is all right. She woke up safely," the doctor talks into the phone. I could just imagine Niall smiling dorkily into the phone. The doctor hangs up and walks over to me. "Natalie Leitner, Niall gave you some of his blood to keep you alive." I become silent.

"What?" I ask wondering if I heard him right.

"Niall Horan gave us a pint of his blood to keep you alive. You both have the same blood type. A positive," he explains and I just look down at my hands.

"I never knew that," I say and look up at the doctor. Another thing Niall and I have in common; our blood type.

"Well, now you do," he smirks and leaves the room leaving me all alone. My phone buzzes on the table next to me and I glance over at it. It was a text message from Niall.

You are alive :) I am so happy we can finally be together :DDDDD

I smile and begin typing with my left hand because I cannot move my right arm.

I was told you gave up blood for that true? cause you didn't have to

I hit send and wait anxiously.

I did have to because if I didn't, I would blame myself if you didn't survive and you saved my life. I wanted to save yours now we're even :D

I just laugh. This boy is a piece of work.

I think you are definitely a sweet boy :) I love ya

I set my phone down and take a deep breath.

I am visiting you right now <3

I smile and fall back to rest my head. In a few minutes Niall will walk right through that door and I am going to be happy.

A few moments later Niall comes running into the room. "Natalie! You are alive!" he shouts and rushes to my side. "I was so scared." He kisses my cheek and takes my left hand. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I whisper and he kisses my lips.

We break the kiss and I look up and see Greg and their mom walk in through the door. "Natalie, you're alive," Greg states and walks over to me. He hugs me and I smile. At least someone in Niall's family likes me.

Niall's mom walks awkwardly over to me and my smile fades. "Natalie," she mumbles. "I'm sorry for thinking you were using Niall. I see now that you love him just as much as he loves you." She ends the little speech with a slight smile.

"I forgive you," I respond and Niall looks offended.

"You forgive everyone else so easily, yet when it was me it took a hell of a time and effort," he adds to conversation.

"Watch it, Horan," I tease and he smiles and takes my hand.

"I can't stay mad at you forever," he whispers and I look into his blue eyes as he stares into my green eyes. Everything seems perfect, other than the fact that my shoulder is in a sling to heal it and I can't feel it, but this just brought this family closer together because I am finally accepted into the Horan househould.

"I am sorry for saying those remarks at the restaurant," Niall's mom states and I smile.

"It doesn't matter now," I add with a warm smile.

The nurse who brings me my food three times a day walks in and begins looking on my paperwork.

"When will she be able to leave the hospital?" Niall asks with a hopeful face.

"Tomorrow around 3 in the afternoon," the nurse replies and gets back to my records.

"Tomorrow you will be free," Niall states and smiles to himself. "This was quite a rush, wasn't it?"

"Yes it was. But, everything happens for a reason. I believe people change so we learn to move on. Things go wrong so we learn to appreciate them when they are right. We believe lies so we learn not to trust anybody but ourselves. Good things fall apart so better things can fall together," I explain with so much passion behind my voice and eyes. I meant all those words.

"Well, I for one believe that I am in love with the most winderful girl ever," Niall adds and kisses my forehead and everyone leaves the room. The nurse turns the light out and the rest of the day goes by with TV. When it's finally night time, I slip into a peaceful slumber.

**the next day** outfit Niall bought:

I wake up to the smell of toast, bacon, and pancakes. I use my left hand to eat everything and since I'm right handed, it's a bit of a challenge. At first, I had someone feed me, but I think I got it handled by now.

Three o' clock in the afternoon comes by quickly and Niall brought me new clothes he just bought for me. I smile and go to the bathroom to change into them.

He got me light brown uggs and light blue jeans with a few rips in them. An eggshell sweater with a brown bow across the collar is the shirt he bought and a black winter jacket with brown fur outlining the hood. I don't put the jacket on just yet.

I put the sling on over my clothes. I can move my right arm, but I really can't feel it.

I walk outside and Niall smiles. "You look beautiful," he beams. I blush and he wraps me in a warm embrace.

My phone starts ringing and I answer it when I see that it's Annie. "Hey, Annie," I greet her through the phone.

"Nat, you do know school has been going on? Where the hell are you?" she asks and I completely forget what date it is.

"Um, tell them I drop out of school. I found a better way to go in life," I say and look over at Niall who now looks concerned. I hang up and I can see Annie staring her phone with a bewildered expression.

"You're dropping out of school?" Niall asks in disbelief. "What about your business degree?"

"I want to be withy you instead," I state and smile at him. "And what is the date?"

"It's November 26th," Greg replies and I completely lost track of time.

"It feels like all just yesterday it was October," I state and scratch my head in confusion. "This month totally went by quickly for me."

"Well, you can live with us, Natalie, until you and Niall can move out," Niall's mom suggests and I smile.

"Thank you," I respond and Niall hugs me.

"Let's go home. I have a surprise for you," Niall explains and grabs my left hand. I feel butterflies in my stomach as we walk out of the hospital. I am ready for anything.

Why You Wanna {Niall Horan Love Story}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang