Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

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*Natalie's POV*

I open the letter and glare at the body of it. I've been accepted. I couldn't be happier than how I am right now. "Anthony, I got accepted what about you?!"

"I hate to say this..." Anthony trails off with a sad expression. Did he get rejected? He couldn't of. This isn't fair. "I got accepted!" He was acting. I hate it when he does that.

"Stop, you almost scared me. I couldn't live life if you weren't in it," I exclaim and he just smiles.

"Well, Penny told me you got yourself a boyfriend," Anthony states awkwardly and I just blush and nod my head. "Aren't you now dating Niall from One Direction or something?"

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds really unrealistic," I reply and he just smiles.

"Were you planning on having me meet him?" he asks a little offended and I giggle.

"Maybe someday in the future because he is coming back to New York on the 27th and we are going to see each other again. I miss him so much," I respond and Anthony just smiles.

"Did you miss me when you were in New York?" he asks shyly.

"Of course I did. My aunt died and I had technically no one to help me get through it. If that makes any sense. But, I missed you like crazy. I just wish Niall were here, but his family is definitely more important to be with on the holidays," I explain and Anthony just laughs.

"I just hope Niall isn't an Evan repeat," he jokes.

"I really hope not because Niall showed me and told he was different than him when I told him about Evan the few minutes before he left for Ireland. He told me he would never do that," I explain and he just laughs again.

"Guys will say or do anything to get in your pants," he states.

"No. Niall isn't like those guys," I reply instantly.

"I'm just saying to watch out because you're still a virgin and I don't want anything to get messed up with you because of him," he begins. "That was probably why Evan cheated on you because he couldn't get in your pants."

"Just stop that," I say.

"I am just trying to protect you. Don't do anything you're not comforable with," he exclaims and I just smile. He is protecting me and caring for me. That's all he ever does. I should be grateful.

"Well, I have to pack up all the boxes today. I will see you next year at Hofstra in Hempstead, New York," I say my see you laters and he stands up along with me. We hug and let go.

"Just don't do anything your mother wouldn't want you doing," he warns one last time and I laugh.

"Bye, Anthony," I state and walk towards my house. I run inside and dash up to my room. I dial Niall's number and wait anxiously for him to answer.

"Hello?" his Irish accent blares through the phone and my heart starts pounding.

"Guess what?" I ask impatiently and I can just see him smiling back into the phone.

"What?" he asks imitating my excited tone.

"I got accepted into Hofstra!" I shout and let out a scream.

"Really? That is so awesome, Natalie. I will be able to visit you whenever I am in New York or on break from touring," he explains and I smile.

"That would be so awesome. I love you, Niall," I respond.

"Love you, Nat," he replies and I hang up. I take a deep breath and smile. This was so amazing.

******January 13th******

As I wake up in my new bed in New York, I glance at my phone. Just as I look over at it sitting on the end table charging, it buzzes telling me I have a new text message.

Love ya, babe :D Happy Birthday wish I could be there :( -Niall <3

I smile and reply.

Thanks, babe, and wish you were here too. :(

I smile and receive another text.

happy bday Nat i just realized that this is the 1st time in yrs that we arent celebrating our bdays together :( good times

I slightly smile, but I want to cry. I just admit it. It was true. I won't see Penny again unless we make plans sometime soon, but she lives so far away. This is going to take some getting used to.

I start the new school tomorrow and I am really nervous. What if girls there notice me as Niall's girlfriend? We are known as a couple to the public. What will happen?

I take a deep breath and reply to Penny.

We will see each other again :) I promise. We just have to keep in touch and wait :D

I try to sound as optimitic as I can.

I walk into the living room and my mom looks up from the couch.

"Oh, honey, Niall told me to give you this for your birthday," she explains and hands me a letter. I open it and read it and I feel like I can hear Niall's voice in my head reading it.


       I remember the first day I met you. I accidentally got an ink stain on the back of my trousers. I guess that was emabarrassing, but it didn't really matter. I met you that day. Nothing could've ruined it at all. I remember the way your green eyes looked into my blue eyes the day of our first kiss at the bowling alley. Nothing could've been more perfect. I really hope we can make more memories in the future and maybe your next birthday card has a little bit more to say, but all I know right now is that you are definitely the perfect girl for me and I wouldn't change anything. Nothing because our relationship is the best one I have ever had or even seen. We love each other and everything just comes naturally to us like it was meant to be. It was meant to be. Never give up on us no matter how rough the road gets because I sure won't. I love you. Happy birthday, love.


                                                                     Niall :)

I smile at the card and set it on the table.

"Mom, do you like Niall?" I ask curiously.

"Yes, darling, I think he is such a sweet boy and a keeper. He's way better than that Evan kid who I never liked," she replied and I laugh. I should've listened to her when she said he wasn't worth it. I could've saved myself a massive broken heart.

But, if I never got my heart broken, I would've never met Niall and that is the most wonderful thing in my life.

My phone buzzes with a text from Niall.

Babe, I will be in New York for Harry's birthday. Do you think we could go on a date and he wants to know if Penny will be there.

I laugh and begin typing.

Um, sure we can go on a date and I will make sure Penny is here :)

I send the message and realize that I will have to convince Penny into driving all the way down here, but how?

Aweomse :) love ya

My fingers stumble across the keys.

Love ya, too :D

Now all I need to do is get Penny down here by February 1st.

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