Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

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****A week later****

*Natalie's POV*

As I take a sip from my coffee, Anthony walks in. I told him to meet me here because I need to tell him about Niall.

Niall has been texting and calling me nonstop. He keeps saying how sorry he is and how he just wants me to know that he loves me. I don't believe it for a second.

Anothony sits across from me and he can just tell it's bad news. "What did Niall do?" he asks.

"How can you just assume that Niall is the cause for my upset?" I ask and he gives me a 'seriously' face and I just stare back at him.

"He is the only person in this whole world who has the power to destroy your heart," he replies and I just look at my coffee.

"It's just that he accused me of cheating on him becuase of a picture he saw of me kissing Liam, but when I kissed him, I was single. So that doesn't mean I cheated on him. It means he's stupid and jumping to conclusions without asking me first and it kills me because he had sex with a girl," I explain and Anthony just laughs.

"I knew that boy was nothing but trouble," Anthony states. "All he wanted was sex."

"It didn't seem like that from the beginning," I exclaim and tears start fogging up in my eyes. A few tears escape from my eyes and I wipe them away quickly. "I thought he was different."

Just as I said that, the door to the Starbucks opens and take a wild guess who it is. Niall. He is wearing the shirt I said that I absolutely loved on our second date when we were bowling. He is also wearing the pants with the huge ink spot on the back pocket when he first met me. And he is also wearing the shoes he met my mom in. Why is he doing this? He is making me just want to jump up and run over to him and kiss him just like I could before. He most likely knows his effect on me, but it's almost as if he's doing that on purpose. "Fuck," I curse under my breath and Anthony looks over towards the entrance.

"Is that him?" he asks timidly and I nod.

"If he thinks he can just walk in here and think I will forgive him so easily then he is wrong!" I shout quietly so only Anthony can hear me.

"Hey, Nat," Niall greets me and scoots in the both next to me. "I haven't seen you in a while it feels like."

"Yeah and I remember the last time I saw you," I say and I just want to slap him. Then, he looks at me with his crystal blue eyes and bats his eyelashes. Damn it. I just want to grab him and kiss him. I want to forgive him and get things back to the way they were, but I can't.

"So, how is your career coming along?" Anthony asks him awkwardly.

"It's really good, but my girlfriend left me recently and it hurts more than you can ever imagine," he explains and talking about me as if I am not here at all.

"Who was your girlfriend?" Anthony asks pretending I am not here, either.

"Why, she is sitting at this table right now," he replies and looks over towards me. I give a sarcastic smile. At least he noticed my presence.

"Well, I don't think you can get her back any time soon," I explain and I can't leave the booth because Niall is blocking my way.

"Well, I need to tell her how she looks so good right now. Her green eyes look so irresistible and her lips are so kissable. I just need her to know that I will never stop loving her," he exclaims and puts his hand on my knee.

"No, she isn't that gullible," I respond and lift his hand off my knee and onto his. Niall gets up and so do I. "I think I need to go now."

"At least give me a goodbye hug until the next time we see each other," Niall says and leans in for a hug. My body is so close to his and it brings me back to the first day I saw him. Why does he have to do this to me?

We let go, but our bodies are still so close. He kisses my cheek and he starts blushing. "I am so sorry, miss. I had to. I couldn't resist the urge to kiss you one last time," he adds and leaves the cafe. I stand there stunned and touch my cheek. It's tingling just like the first time he kissed my cheek.

"That doesn't look like not giving in," Anthony points out.

"I need to go home," I state and leave the cafe crying. I rush into my dorm room and dial Liam's number.

"Hello?" his voice comes through the phone.

"Liam! Do you have any idea who leaked that picture?" I ask and I can see his confused look.

"I think your friend, Penny, leaked it. She was mad at you for some time," he replies and I start crying more.

"Why was she mad at me?" I ask and feel so alone and hopeless. I've never felt like this before. I feel empty and somehow, nothing is working. I'm trying so hard to get Niall out of my head. He needs to just leave my life for good.

"She said because you replaced her with a new best friend," he replies and I cry even more.

"I didn't mean to. I didn't meant to lose contact with her. Tell her I am so sorry," I beg.

"Well, I am going to have a party at my house in England in a few weeks. Maybe you want to come? Penny will be there. You can see her again," he explains and I try to stop the funny breathing.

"Were you planning on inviting me even if I didn't call you?" I ask.

"Yes," he responds and I smile. At least there is one good thing coming out of today.

"Will Niall be there?" I ask knowing the answer is most likely yes.

"Yes, but don't worry. I will try to keep him away from you," he responds and I weakly smile.

"Thanks," I reply and hang up the phone.

I need to get Niall out of my head somehow. How will I be able to do that? I start crying and grab the tissues off my desk. My life is being torn apart. First, Niall jumps to conclusions and instead of confronting me about it, he cheats on me with some blonde slut.

I need to do something quick.

I run out of the building and down the road over to the bridge. I look down into the water and I don't what it is, but something rushes over me. A feeling of wanting to leave this world for good.

I go to jump, but someone grabs my hand. "No," and unfamiliar mascualine voice says and I turn around to see an unfamiliar face staring coldly down at me.

Why You Wanna {Niall Horan Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now