Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter FIfteen

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***Months later, October***

*Natalie's POV*

It has been a month since I've seen Niall last. He was there with me when I unpacked everything into my new dorm room to attend Hofstra. Anthony is here as well and seeing him again after those long months is a pleasure.

My best friend at Hofstra is Annie, my room mate. I lost contact with Penny a few months ago and sometimes I want to text her, but what am I supposed to say? It would be awkward.

Although, Harry still visits Penny down there in North Carolina. I hear about her everytime I see Harry. He tweeted a few months after they met that they were officially a couple.

"Nat, wake up, it's time for breakfast!" Annie shouts shaking me a little to get me out of my bed. I smile weakly and attempt to get up. I look over at my alarm clock and it says 6:30 in the morning.

"Annie, I have no classes today," I complain and she laughs.

"Well, you need to start waking up early," she explains. Annie is a morning person and sometimes it can get annoying.

Annie is leaving New York tonight to visit her family in Iowa for a couple weeks. I will miss her, but I am sure she can't wait to see her family again. She always tells me stories about how her little brother used to pull pranks on her a lot and how she said she hated it. Then, she admits that she misses those days a little more than she thought she would.

Niall is doing an interview today, but I can't watch it. I have to meet up with Anthony at Starbucks and help him study for a big test coming up in his biology class.

I walk over to the table with my new found energy as Annie places a plate of bacon and eggs in front of my face. I take a deep breath wanting the delicious scent to lift my spirits about waking up so early. I take a huge bite out of the scrambled eggs without even thinking.

*Niall's POV*

As I get ready for my interview, my phone buzzes on the table saying I have a new text message.

Sorry, babe, I can't watch your interview tonight. I have to help my friend study for a big test coming up. :(

My fingers stumble across the keyboard as I frantically reply to Natalie. I loved her honesty.

Ok, babe, there will be plenty more you can watch :D

I hit send and realize how stupid that sounded. I don't care. I love this girl and nothing, not even a stupid text message, could tear us apart. She would never break up with me over a stupid message.

I love you and good luck :)

I smile. Natalie definitely knows how to make me happy in a matter of seconds.

Thanks :) I really appreciate that love ya too

I set my phone on the table and walk outside of the dressing room where I am greeted with an excited Louis.

"Is Natalie going to be watching? This is a big interview," Louis asks with big hopeful blue eyes.

"Um, no. She said she has to help her friend study for a big test that'e coming up," I reply and Louis just chuckles.

"Oh, you are such a rookie on relationships and girls," he replies and I become confused.

"What?" I ask.

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