"Your Grace, please! Whatever it is I have done, please spare me!".

Richard turned to Freja, who looked amused. "What shall we do with him, dearest sunflower?".

"His head would make a pretty decoration by The Tower's gates".

"Oh yes, indeed. We can add a paper crown on all of their heads".

"You wouldn't", said Wolsey.

"I wouldn't?", Richard chuckled.

With a snap of his fingers, three soldiers stepped forward and raised their swords. Boleyn was begging for them to not kill him and Richard held out his hand; the soldiers stepped back.

"That is power. Take Boleyn to The Tower and send Wolsey off to the north", said Richard.

Then, he turned to Herbert. "My dearest brother, Earl of Pembroke. Will you take my brother as your prisoner under guard?".

"Consider it done, Your Grace".

Richard held out his hand to Herbert and another to Bessie. "I shall bless this union. May God grant you happiness until the end".

Bessie, feeling grateful for all Richard had done, knelt to the floor. "Thank you, Your Grace".

Herbert helped her up and smiled at his soon to be bride. He kissed her hand and Bessie felt happy.

Henry knew this was just to rub it in his face. His former mistress and his own son to be under the care of the very man who took care of his father.

"Oh, before I forget. You want an annulment? It's on its way. I will arrange a marriage for you, brother. Not now, but I will", said Richard before he commanded the soldiers to take his brother away.


After his private dinner with his closest family members, Richard and Freja sat back on their throne. His sisters, cousins and the rest stood before them.

Both Drew and Robyn had trays on each of them. On the trays, piled of neatly arranged scrolls sat on them.

Richard kissed Freja's hand and stood up. Drew handed one scroll to him.

"Meg, stepped forward".

Meg took the scroll from her brother and read it. "I'm..., free from him?".

"Yes, that is your annulment to Angus-", Richard took another scroll from Drew and handed it to her, "-and this is the new terms laid by Albany for your co-regency with the Scottish lords on governing your young son. You may remarry, but at least with someone the council would agree that it will bring positive influence to them, to you and to your children".

Meg hugged Richard, thanking him over and over again. Richard smiled and motioned to Sarah to open the door.

Meg turned and felt happiness as she saw her daughter, Margaret. The mother and daughter reunited at last.

"Not only that...", Richard signalled for two chests, filled with gold and jewels to be brought in.

"...Meg, Mary, your inheritance as promise".

Robyn passed two scrolls to Richard. "Maggie, could you step forward?".

Maggie stood before the king and curtsied. She smiled; looking at Richard was like looking at her beloved uncle. Richard handed her the scrolls.

"Your properties, Duchess of Clarence and Countess of Warwick".

Maggie gasped. "But Warwick is yours".

Richard shook his head. "It was always yours. Earl of Warwick, The Kingmaker was your grandfather and it's fitting that you have it. I took care of it and now, you must do the same".

Maggie shed happy tears. "Thank you, Richard. Thank you so much".

"Catalina...", Richard extended his hand for the former queen to take.

Richard handed her a scroll. "Your annulment to my brother. Your nephew had heard and wished for me to inform you that the Pope had granted you the annulment from your husband. I..., may have sweetened up the letter and Charles had given his blessings to let me choose a husband for you".

Catherine turned to Stafford. "I do not think our union will produce any children".

"All I want now is companionship, Your Highness. I don't mind if we don't have any children at this age", Stafford kissed her hands.

"Then, I shall bless your marriage with the Princess of Spain, cousin", Richard smiled.

Richard took a scroll and handed it to Stafford. "Oh, I almost forgot. Your appointment as Lord Privy Council and Lord Privy Seal".

"You're being too generous here".

"If you don't want it, I can take it back-", Stafford took the scroll before Richard can take it back.

Richard took another scroll and handed it to Charlie. "Lord High Constable".

Mary smiled proudly at her husband. Charlie thanked Richard, profusely.

Richard beckoned his oldest son, Henri and his niece, Mary to come closer. Richard knelt down to their level.

"The two of you shall be Prince and Princess of Wales. When the time comes, the two of you shall be wedded. When it's time for me to go, you two will rule England".

"But I don't want you to die yet", said Henri.

"I won't die for a very long time", said Richard.

"Promise?", Mary held out her pinky.

Richard smiled and hooked his own pinky with hers. "I swear".

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