We fell in love in October

Start from the beginning

By this point Sen was close to a breakdown herself, not having enough time to process what had just happened. So instead of answering she simply flew out of reach of the Knights and carried on down the streets.

The commotion quickly turned to gossip that spread like wildfire through Camelot. Everyone wanted to know what happened to the girl. But among curiosity there was also pity. Pity for Merlin as god knows what he will do when he sees Eden.

Luckily Sen reached the palace before the gossip did. Using her magic she scanned the castle for Merlin, trying desperately to stop the tears from flowing. Once the warlock had been detected Sen burst through the double doors.

Servants scuttled out of her way offering concerned looks as the nymph passed. Not that Sen acknowledged any of them.

When she finally reached the throne room she used her magic to blow open the double doors, not caring that a council meeting was in progress.

"Sen what is-" Arthur was quickly cut of by Gwen's terrified scream. Merlin whipped round in his chair fearing the worse.

He broke down in tears when he saw Eden passed out in Sen's arms, skin snow white. Ivory tendrils coiled up her arms like veins, sprouting of in many directions as if spreading.

"Eden! What happened to her?" Merlin cried running to take Eden into his arms.

"I don't know. We wanted to test her powers but something happened, it was like her magic took complete control. It got to painful and- and she passed out. I- I didn't know w-what to do."

Arthur and Gwen dismissed the nobles, giving the family a shred of privacy.

"I'm sorry this is all my fault. I should have stopped her before it was too late." Sen sobbed. Her chest felt so tight she could barely breathe. It was as if all the air had been sucked out her lungs leaving her to suffocate in her misery.

"Arthur I need you to help me get her to my office. Gwen you stay here with Sen."


"Stay here Sen."

Sen dipped her head, tears cascading down her cheeks. Gwen pulled her into a hug as the men carried Eden out the room. Once out of earshot Sen's cries became louder, the pain audible in her voice.

Gwen did her best to comfort the child but to no avail. Morgana joined them having heard the news and placed a calming spell on the nymph. Although her efforts were appreciated, no spell could possibly relieve Sen from her pain.


Arthur paced the length of Merlin's office as the warlock tried countless spells to reverse the comatose.

"I don't know what to do." Merlin yelled after another failed attempt. His magic reacted violently, smashing all the windows within a five mile radius.

"She be okay Merlin. You will think of something." Arthur assured, although if he was being honest he was extremely worried.

"How can you be sure."

"Merlin I have known you for almost twenty years now. You are a stubborn, headstrong prat who can think his way out of anything. Plus you are the most powerful warlock on earth. If anyone can help Eden it's you."

Merlin tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace. He say back down next to Eden's bed and took her hand. He traced the tattoo-like marks all while staring down at his daughter with tears in his eyes.

Arthur took this as his cue to leave. He shuffled quietly out of the room and headed back to the throne room desperate to know how Sen was doing.

The scene he was greeted with was startling to say the least.

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