Part 82- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

Theseus turns back around in his seat and Georgette starts asking him a million different questions, none of which he actually answers. Louis nudges me with his elbow, "Is that the new kid?"

I nod, "A new pain in my ass more like it."

Louis raises his eyebrow again and I can tell that he's trying not to smile at the fact that I just swore. I try my best not to do that as you know, but when it comes to Theseus no other words are strong enough to describe the utter crap that he's been spewing for the past week.

"And we're back! Hello Hogwarts students! My name is Marmaduke but all of you already know that by now! Today's a big and important match so listen close. Whatever house wins this match moves onto the final and has a chance to take home the house cup! Even from here, I can see the stunning Slytherin team captain in the stands ready to study the moves of her opponents. Speaking of, Dominique I heard that you and Lucas ended things, do you need a shoulder to cry on?"

The entire school looks over to Dom, who is standing on the bench, her red hair in a huge bun on the top of her head. She pulls out her wand and holds it under her throat so her voice will be amplified when she speaks, "And I heard that you've only got one ball. Is that the reason that you can only last fifteen seconds in bed?"

Everyone in the stands riots; it doesn't take binoculars to see that Marmaduke was just knocked down several pegs. The noise continues till Madam Hooch steps out onto the pitch and blows her horrible whistle.

"Good day! We've got a good game for everyone today! Let's have our Ravenclaws out on the pitch!" She shouts. Everyone starts chanting 'Ravenclaw we win them all!' over and over again as Molly leads her team of blue-robed players onto the pitch.

"LETS GO WEASLEY!" Louis chants, the rest of us follow him with clap, clap, clapclapclap. We learned a long time ago that this is the best way to cheer for all of our family equally, but we still have our house biases of course.

Once Molly is in her place on the pitch the crowd changes from the Ravenclaw chant to the even more annoying Gryffindor one.

"Bring the lions out! Bring the – bring the lions out!"

Everyone in the stands is on their feet chanting, everyone but Theseus who is still sitting in front of me. It pisses me off that he shows no interest in the game at all. Like I get that quidditch might not be as big in Greece as it is here, but show a little support for your school right?

Louis leads us all in another Weasley chant as Freddie, James, and Rose hit the pitch. Once everyone is in position Madam Hooch raises her hands in the air and the stands go dead silent, "I want a nice, fair game. Captains, shake hands."

Molly and Kate step forward and shake hands. Molly is a lot shorter and chubbier than Kate who basically looks like a string bean standing in the middle of the field so it looks a little awkward but Molly has got the same expression that Nan gets when she's reprimanding someone on and I don't have to be down there to know that Kate is intimidated just a little bit.

"Players! Mound your broom!" Madam Hooch shouts. The players move at the same time, like they are under the Imperious curse, and get on their brooms waiting for Madam Hooch's whistle. She pauses, looks at each captain, nods, then blows her whistle hard.

"And they're in the air! Weasley with the quaffle already, supported by Weasley. Weasley dodges bludger sent his way by Bir, Weasley... other Weasley hits the bludger towards Mendoza and she is down!"

The game stops even though Hooch doesn't blow the whistle. They wait till Felicia Mendoza is back on her broom. Freddie wastes no time sinking the quaffle in the Ravenclaw's goalposts.

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