Chapter Ninety Eight

Start from the beginning

After having no food and water for days and only having swallowed mouthfuls of water from the ocean, all I could vomit was a bit of water until yellow acid began spewing out of me.

Faintly, I felt patting on my back and my hair was swept from my face as my vomiting stopped and instead I began dry heaving.

I felt sick but had nothing else to vomit up. When I finished, I leaned back up and wiped my mouth turning to the guys.

They stared at me with exhaustion in their eyes. None of them recoiled from the vomit lying beside me and for some reason that made me feel good as I felt grateful.

Turning around, I looked to see Lucas kneeling behind me and smiled gratefully at him before looking back to everyone.

"Sorry," I whispered through a croaky voice, my throat burning.

They gave me pitiful weak smiles as Jaylen laughed softly and shook his head. "Don't worry about it."

I rolled my eyes with my remaining energy and sighed as I sat properly and my legs cried with relief.

"I'd say lets stop and rest, but we should keep going," Lucas insisted. "As soon as we stop we might not be able to start again."

Nodding, we all got up which was a huge struggle and I knew that if we stayed any longer resting we would not continue. We were determined to make it to the end, but there was no amount of determination that would get us to the end if we were not physically able to make our way.

So, instead we continued walking. We walked at a slow pace for another hour before I was met with a sight that was enough to bring tears to my eyes.

I sniffed as I wiped at my face with a terrible sore hand that burned as I raised it. Wiping at the sweat on the forehead, I turned to the boys to see they had paused beside me with wide smiles on their face.

Glancing down a small hill that had formed, at the bottom laid a bridge. It was an incredibly long bridge that seemed to extend for miles.

The walk was not going to end anytime soon, but it was obvious that we would have to make it past that bridge and most likely we would meet the end.

We had no choice but to cross the bridge as the bridge seemed like one made of concrete or sandstone. It was hard to tell from the distance but it seemed firm and sturdy enough that I felt more confident with this bridge than the wooden rope one many tests ago.

The bridge hovered over a large hole on both sides. The small island we were on had closed in that the land narrowed in from its wide scape.

Staring at my left and right, the large hole extended for miles and it was obvious there was no way around. It also followed along with the bridge towards the very end where the bridge still seemed to extend and I could not see the end from where we stood.

"Wow," whispered Jarvis in awe.

I smiled brightly suddenly feeling lighter and the pain fading for a few moments. 

"We are almost there," whispered Logan.

I felt a nudge to my left and turned to see Lucas smiling. Suddenly, my left hand was met with Lucas and I smiled softly as his fingers curled around mine.

Jaylen suddenly began laughing loudly and I flinched letting go of Lucas as I glanced towards him terrified ready for anything. He was hunched over before he leaned outwards raising his hands to the sky and screamed excitedly.

"We made it this far!" He screamed and suddenly the wind picked up causing him to scream louder.

I flicked a piece of hair that flew in front of my face and pushed it behind me as it flew, whipping behind me.

"You can't stop us!" He continued to scream as he laughed. "You gave us hell, threw it in our faces and laughed. But look who is laughing now!"

He scoffed and let out a single laugh. "Look who is laughing now! Fucking bring it. That's the end," he pointed towards the bridge. "And we are getting there."

He did not even have to ask or say anything. In response, the rest of us began screaming in excitement and raised our hands in the air.

It did not matter how much pain we were in and how much our throats burned. We screamed with every bit of air left in our lungs and stood proudly on the edge of the hill together as we screamed in joy.

We have gone through hell and yet here we still stood. We stood together. We made our way through the test and somehow we all made our way back to each other.

And I will forever be grateful for that.

And I will forever be grateful for that

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The bridge.

They make it to the end and see a long narrow bridge. There is no way around it, and they are forced to travel across the bridge. They travel on the bridge for a while before they can finally see the end, however a problem begins.

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