Chapter 80 Breakfast, Training and Panic Attack

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Countdown: 58 days until Grass attacks.
*Evie's Dorm Room, Morning*
"Hey Evie!" Jessica calls out.

"Yeah?" Evie answers.

"You want some breakfast? I made pancakes and hashbrown." Jessica says.

"Okay! Thank you!" Evie says cheerly.

Jessica places a plate on the table. Evie comes out of the bathroom and smiles at the plate.

"Go ahead. I know you're hungry." Jessica smiles.

"Thank you for the food." Evie begins to eat.

Jessica sits down and begins to eat.

*Elanie's Dorm Room*
Elanie walks out of her room and heads to the kitchen but finds Melissa making breakfast.

"Oh. Your making breakfast?" Elanie asks.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Is it alright with you?" Melissa asks.

"Oh yeah. It's just that I'm usually the one who makes breakfast." Elanie states.

"I bet your good at it too. Any guy would be lucky to date you. Maybe Arlo will notice you even more." Melissa smirks.

Elanie blushes and avoids eye contact. Melissa giggles.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't help it." Melissa giggles.

"I bet you have someone you want to date." Elanie says.

"Nope. Dating was hard when I was working with Grass. And I haven't found anyone interesting here in Wellston yet." Melissa states.

Melissa begins to set up the plates.

"Here. Let me help." Elanie offers.

Melissa nods. Elanie and Melissa place the pancakes, hashborwn and sausages on the plates. Seraphina her door room and yawns. She rubs her eyes and see Elanie and Melissa setting up breakfast. Elanie looks at Seraphina and smiles.

"Hey Seraphina. Morning." Elanie says.

"Morning Seraphina." Melissa says.

"Morning Elanie. Melissa. I see you two made breakfast." Seraphina says.

"Oh no. Melissa made breakfast today. I'm just helping setting it up. I'll make some orange juice for us." Elanie smiles.

Seraphina nods and heads to the bathroom.

"Hey Melissa." Elanie starts off.

"Hm?" Melissa looks at Elanie.

"What are the chances of us surviving Grass invasion?" Elanie asks.

"...." "Honestly, I don't know. Ms.Bowkin had made several machines and given her members powerful abilities. Plus, with her and her daughter, it will be difficult to say." Melissa admits.

"I see." Elanie frowns.

"Look. We just have to enjoy the time we have. If we die, then we did the best we could." Melissa says.

"I see. Well, thanks for being honest." Elanie gives a small smile.

Melissa pats Elanie back. Seraphina lean on the door to listen. Seraphina looks disappointed of what Melissa said.

'So we could die and....' Seraphina trails off.

Seraphina pictures John smiling at her.

'..never see him again.' Seraphina sheds a tear.

*East courtyard, 1 hour later*
"Alright people. We continue training. We have to get stronger at the best of our ability. When we were captured by Grass. It showed how much we got to learn." Mia starts off.

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