Chapter 93 Mia and Oliva Chat

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Countdown: 46 days until Grass attacks.
*Mia's Bedroom, Afternoon*
Mia finishes reading a book. "Ughhhhhh! Ahhh! Dammit it! Why do I have to be reading all this?!" she wines.

Oliva looks at Mia. "Because of your ability 'Aura Creation', you have a lot of potential. The headmaster said it would be good for you."

"Now I know how John feels when he doesn't understand shit in class." Mia lowers her head on the table.

"At least you aren't stupid like him." Oliva giggles.

"True. I wanna take a break." Mia says as she lays back on the chair. "How's everyone doing in training?"

"Well, Elanie is able to healing within 20ft away. She was seriously practicing every since Evie's sudden death and revival. Meili and Ventus have new combo moves. Remi learned how to fire an electrical beam but accidentally hit John." Oliva sighs.

"Is Remi okay?" Mia asks.

"Oh yes. Thanks to Gabriel, she'll live." Oliva smiles.

"Good to know. What about the others?" Mia asks.

"Sabrina is working on martial arts thanks to Gabriel and John. Melissa gotten a bit faster. Rose is able to create a aroma field. Jessica gotten use to the metal suit of hers and gotten faster. Arlo was able to fully reconstruct his barriers and is now working on his barriers on his hands. He made a barrier spike ball." Oliva says.

"Nice. What about Isen and Blyke?" Mia asks.

"Isen still needs work. I think meeting his uncle made him a bit too focus on training. As for Blyke, he managed to change his ability into 'Energy Burst'. The shockwave was strong and pissed off Arlo when he got hit." Oliva giggles.

"Oh boy. I'll help Isen out. And Lena?" Mia asks.

"She's doing alright. John was able to increase his aura sensing distance. Gabriel did some training but is mostly helping Sabrina. I feel like those two are getting closer." Oliva says.

"Uh huh. Maybe he can trust her more." Mia says.

"Maybe. I learned that merging my flames and lightning can cause a explosion if focused enough." Oliva says.

"Are you telling me the explosion the other day was you?" Mia looks at Oliva.

Oliva looks away.

"Oh my god. What did the headmaster do?" Mia asks.

"I was punished to clean the restrooms for the rest of the day." Oliva sighs.

"I see. If it was me, you'll be in the infirmary right now." Mia states.

Oliva sweats a little. "I'll use that move as a last resort."

"You better!" Mia says. "So. How's Evie doing?"

"She still hasn't awakened. Doc believes she is in a coma." Oliva says.

"I see." Mia sighs.

"You know Seraphina has been checking on her ever since that day. She believes she failed to be there for her." Oliva states.

"I can understand. Evie was there for her whenever she lost her ability. Now that she basically died and came back, Seraphina is thinking that how could she let this happened. Speaking of her, what has she done during training?" Mia asks

"She made a time prison. Also, she can freeze five people in time now." Oliva says.

"That's good." Mia says.

"Did you get a message from your friends in LA?" Oliva asks.

"Yeah but it was mostly chatting about what's been going on." Mia says. "They still haven't told me who is going or they want it to be a secret."

"I see. You think we can beat them?" Oliva asks. "Well, in like Turf Wars or something."

"Depends on who they send. If it was the top 10, nope. Not without me or Gabriel." Mia states. "Unless they trained as well. They get stronger whenever they deal with the threats."

"..... I see." Oliva sweats a little.

*LA Resident Academy, Principal's Office*
"Now. I ask you ten too train those kids at Wellston. I trust that you would be good on your part?" Warlen says.

"Of course. Grass is a serious threat." Denise says.

"Good. You all have your tickets and you'll leave in the morning. That is all. Dismissed." Warlen says.

The ten bow and leave.

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