Chapter 55 Lets build a Friendship?

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*Wellston Front Gates, 30 minutes later*
Mia, Oliva and John stand by the front of the gates.

"Still can't believe I'm doing this." John says.

"And your only doing this because of what I said earlier." Oliva says.

"So, what's this once of a lifetime deal?" John asks curiously.

"Ah! No no. Wait until the time comes. I'm not spilling the details." Oliva pokes John nose.

"Your no fun." John says while smiling.

"Be grateful you have something to look forward too." Mia says.

"Shut up." John says.

Arlo, Remi, Blyke, Isen, Elanie and Seraphina walk out of the school in normal clothes.

"Why are we here?" Blyke asks.

"Mia will explain." Remi replies.

"Okay! I know all of you want to enjoy your free time that the headmaster gave us but I think we should use one of those days to build friendship." Mia says.

"You can't be serious." Arlo scoffs.

"Shut up and listen." Mia says coldly.

Arlo is taken back but nods to avoid any problems.

"Ahem! As I was saying, we should build a friendship. Start off new. Look, I know we all started on the wrong foot for many reasons. Mainly because of my stupid brother and ASSLO." Mia states.

"HEY!" John and Arlo say in unison.

"And I get that. But I think this could be useful when the time comes when Grass attacks. We'll have trust in one another. Understand what needs to be done. Protect the ones we care about. I think we could all agree in that." Mia says.

"She's right. I think that would be nice." Remi says.

"Same." Seraphina nods.

"How can you be sure it could work? What if John tries to hurt us." Blyke states.

"I won't unless you give me a reason too." John replies.

"Wanna try me?" Blyke says.

"Shut up. Both of you." Mia says with a bit of anger. "Look, no one is gonna get hurt for this. If they do, someone is getting punished. John won't try anything. If he does, I'll deal with him. And maybe Oliva. But mostly me. You can tell me. Don't be scared too. I mean you Isen." Mia says while looking at him.

Isen nods.

"So the plan is this. The girls will have a girls night out. The guys will have guys night out. Do whatever you guys do. This way, we can start a friendship. Nothing has to be rushed. Take your time, nice and slowly." Mia says.

"That last part sounded like your ready to kill someone." Isen says.

"I might if someone doesn't stay focus." Mia replies.

Isen glups.

"But you understand right?" Mia says with a smile.

"But do we have too?" Blyke asks.

"Would you prefer to be beat down and sent to the hospital? The second option could be me being your personal trainer during training and believe me, I'll have you working down to your last breath. Or you can do the built up friendship." Mia claps her hands happily.

"I think she's serious." Isen says.

"Fine! I'll do the friendship thing." Blyke replies.

"Great! And you Arlo?" Mia looks at him.

"Yeah yeah. I'll do it if it gets you to stop trying." Arlo replies.

"Hey! You never know what could happen. You might learn something. Hell, you might be expecting a surprise when we come back." Mia says happily.

"What are you talking about sis?" John questions Mia's comment.

"Ohhh nothing." Mia says while giving a smile.

Everyone looks confused expect Oliva. She knows what Mia meant.

A/N: IT MEANS... I can't say lol.

"So! Shall we get going girls?" Mia asks.

"Sure." Seraphina says.

"I can't wait." Elanie says cheerly.

"This should be fun." Remi says.

"You know it." Oliva says.

"Yeah..." John says with a hit of disappointment.

"Woo hoo." Blyke says emtionless.

"Hmph!" Arlo huffs.

"At least give it a try for a few seconds." Isen says.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." Blyke says.

"Alright then. See you guys later." Mia says.

The girls begin to walk away, leaving the guys alone. They stand there awkwardly.

"So... where should we go?" Isen asks.

"How the hell should we know?" Blyke asks.

"Did your sister say what we could do?" Arlo asks.

"Yeah. There's the mall, which I'm sure the girls will most likely go. There's Woaba Boba. Mia says we can head to the turf wars ground to train if that's why you guys want. Honestly, I wouldn't mind going there to train." John says.

"For once, I'll agree with your choice on training." Arlo says.

"Yeah same." Blyke says.

"Guess that's our choice. Shall we go?" Isen asks.

"Yeah. Might make things easier on us." John states.

"Agreed." Blyke and Arlo says in unison.

The guys begin to leave.
*Unknown Location*
The monitor shows the guys heading in one direction and the girls heading another direction. The woman watching the monitor grins.

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