Chapter 31 True Intentions

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*Headmaster's Office*
Denise sits down and Vaughn has a concern looked.

"So, what do you wish to talk about?" Vaughn asks.

"I believe you met Dennis. Is that right?" Denise asks.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" Vaughn questions Denise.

"He's my brother" Denise responds.

"I see. Are you concern for his safety?"

"No. I'm here to warn you that he isn't here to help. He's here to actually gather information for his leader. Team Darkness has sent out multiple teams through the world under the 'Team Darkness'. My leader is one the teams my school has sent out to flush out Team Darkness. My teacher Ms.Snow is one of the people that you call, the authorities."

Vaughn looks serious after Denise said that.

"Oh don't worry. Our authorities aren't corrupted people. We are good people. We done so much. Our principal is a good man."

"I see. So your brother is up to no good" Vaughn asks.

"Correct. I ask you to give me the names he asked you to eroll in this school. They are not to be trusted. GRASS is one problem but Team Darkness is another" Denise states.

Vaughn thinks for a minute before giving Denise the files. She looks at them and sighs.

"So Carlos, Bridgette and Wendy enrolled here. Guess I need to tell their sisters about this" Denise says.

"What are your brother intentions? If you don't mind me asking."

"They plan on killing elite-tiers and above. GRASS is full of elite-tiers and above. Plus, with the amplifiers, it makes them more of a target. While we don't care about GRASS downfall, we do care about the information they have. If my brother and his team get their hand on that, we are screwed. I ask that you cut ties with him immediately. If you wish to speak with the principal or Ms.Snow, I'll be happy to call them for you" Denise says.

"I wish to speak with your teacher."

Denise takes out her phone and calls someone. The person picks up.

'Yes Denise?' a female asks.

"Ms.Snow, the headmaster of Wellston High wishes to speak with you" Denise responds.


Denise gives the phone to Vaughn.

"Good afternoon. I am Vaugh, headmaster of Wellston High."

'I'm Ms.Snow. A teacher at LA Resident Academy. I was told that you wanted to speak with me?' Ms.Snow asks.

"Yes. I was told that Team Darkness are up to no good. I told your student about them and how three of them attend my school."

'I see. Well, it would be best that the team I sent at Wellston take care of the matter. They are very dangerous. Their leader Kevin handpick his team for good reasons. With the power source, orb of Darkness, they can become god-tiers right away. The servants of Love will handle them. Well we are aware that GRASS is in Wellston at the moment, I ask that you keep your students away from the streets' Ms.Snow states.

"Not too long ago, GRASS has already attacked twice."

'Then the servants of Love you give you protection. GRASS and Team Darkness is our problem. EMBER is your problem but we will help once things are settled down.'

"Very well. I looked forward to it" Vaughn says.


The call ends and Vaughn returns the phone back to Denise.

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