Chapter 65 Reverb's Team

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*Infirmary, 1 hour later*
Mia is sleeping on the bad as the group look at her with worry.

"You know standing there won't help, you know?" Doc says as he examines Mia.

"Doc, when will she wake up?" John asks.

"Don't know. This is a first for me." Doc admits.

"But she became so powerful at that moment." Arlo states.

"Her aura... it changed color." John says.

Mia's blackpink aura changes into a white rose aura.

"Well, I never knew auras can change color. I tooken a blood sample to see if anything is up with her ability." Doc states.

John nods.

"So what happened with that metal suit that belonged to that man Mia killed?" Doc asks.

"The headmaster and Keene took it to examine it. The headmaster thinks Mia can use it if she copies a speedster ability." Oliva points out.

"You know you can't always rely on Mia. Look at her." Doc says.

Mia breathing is a bit slower. John holds Mia's hand.

"What can we do? She gotten stronger than any of us could even train in a year." John says.

"*sigh* That may be true but you have to do what you can." Doc says as he walks away.

Oliva holds John's hand. "She'll wake up. I know it. She's just stubbern as you are."

Johns smiles. "Yeah."
*Unknown Location*
Ms.Bowkin watches Wellston from the computers. Devoe and Marlize walk up to the table.

"You called Ms.Bowkin?" Devoe asks.

"Yes. From the knowledge you know, has there ever been a person who could change the color of thier aura?" Ms.Bowkin asks.

"No. It is unlikely. Someone would have to go through some kind of phase or push thier limits. Break their outter shell. Something that will trigger them. But they to at least be really strong." devoe says. "Why do you ask?"

"Found out my other son and daughter go to Wellston." Ms.Bowkin says.

"I see. But I don't see why that question is connected to the answer you have giving." Devoe says.

"*sigh* My other daughter killed Savitar in a fit of rage. Her aura changed color. She became very powerful that my ability didn't even faze her. She almost killed me, Cynthia, Overgirl and Godspeed with one attack that consisted of multiple energy beams with electricity and fire. If it hadn't been for Reverb, we would be dead." Ms.Bowkin says.

Devoe and Marlize look shocked.

"No way. it's impossible to take down three powerful god-tiers like that." Marlize states.

"No no honey. If she said that, it is one hundred percent true." Devoe states.

"That's all and call Reverb at once." Ms.Bowkin says.

The two bow and walk away. A minute later, Reverb comes running and stops close to the desk.

"You called ma'am?" Reverb says.

"I never thanked you for saving me and the others." Ms.Bowkin says.

"No need. I am just doing my job." Reverb admits.

"Still, you deserve a reward." Ms.Bowkin says.

"Your too kind." Reverb bows.

"What would you like as your reward?" Ms.Bowkin asks as she turns to face him.

"Hmm." Reverb rubs his chin. "Maybe enjoy some fun time with some women. I really don't get to go out often."

"Really? Women? Out of everything you could've asked." Ms.Bowkin raise an eyebrow.

"Money isn't a issue for me. And I already have what I want. So... why not?" Reverb shrugs.

"Well if you put it that way. Alright. Does it have to be with ladies here?" Ms.Bowkin asks.

"Oh! *laughs* I didn't know you meant them. I thought you meant like going out... to some hotel with some girl out in some bar or something." Reverb admits.

"Yeah no. I'll give some of the girls I think you would probably like." Ms.Bowkin says.

"Alright. Oh! I learned something right before Devoe called me to come to you." Reverb says.

"What is it?" Ms.Bowkin asks.

"Apparently, there is a girl in New Boston that has the ability to see into the future." Reverb says.

"Really? Why wasn't I aware of her?" Ms.Bowkin asks.

"Because she is a mid-tier." Reverb states.

"I see. I think I would like to claim this girl. Her ability would be most beneficial to us." Ms.Bowkin grins.

"I can leave right away if you wish." Reverb says.

"That would be the best choice to make. You can take whoever you like. You may go now." Ms.Bowkin says.

Reverb bows and runs away.

*Girls Room*
The girls play uno.

Juliet opens the door. She looks to see Reverb.

"Reverb? What brings you here?" Juliet asks.

"Where's Killer Frost?" Reverb asks.

"She's with her husband Deathstorm. Why?" Juliet asks.

"Mission." Reverb says.

"Oh. You'll find them with Grace in the training room." Juliet replies.

"Thanks." Reverb says as he rushes to the training room.

Juliet closes the door.

*Training Room*
Cicada and Deathstorm destory two targets with their fists at the same time.

"Even." Deathstrom says.

"Whatever." Cicada says as she rolls her eyes.

Reverb enters the training room and sees the three. They three look to see Reverb.

"Reverb? Your here for training?" Killer Frost asks.

"No. Mission. I want you and Deathstorm to come with me to New Boston." Reverb says.

"A mission? Who are we killing?' Deathstorm asks.

"Not killing. Capturing." Reverb corrects.

"Why? Is there one worth capturing nowadays?" Killer Frost asks.

"How about a girl that can see into the future?" Reverb points out.

The three look surprised.

"Well, that does sound like someone is worth capturing." Cicada says.

"No kidding. So who's the lucky one?" Deathstorm asks.

"A mid-tier girl name Claire. We can find her at New Boston." Reverb says.

"Great. Then let's get going. Why not bring Savitar as well." Killer Frost says.

"Savitar is dead." Reverb points out.

"What? How?" Cicada asks with concern.

"Turns out Ms.Bowkin other daughter goes to Wellston along with her son. Her older daughter killed Savitar. She almosted killed Ms.Bowkin, Overgirl, Godspeed and Cynthia. If it weren't for Marlize and Eva, they would be dead." Reverb states.

"Well. Isn't that a surprise. Well, let's not keep Ms.Bowkin waiting. Let's go." Killer Frost says.

"Mind if I tag along?" Cicada asks.

"Yeah." Reverb says.

The four leave the training room.

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