Chapter 24 Mia vs Blyke

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*Time Skip after Seraphina reunites with John, Mia and Oliva in the infirmary*

John was sitting down while watching Seraphina. Oliva and Mia stand between John.

"John" Arlo calls out.

John turns to look at Arlo.

"A word" Arlo says.

Oliva and Mia look at Arlo.

"Fine" John says.

John and Arlo leave the infirmary. Oliva and Mia look at Seraphina.

*Time Skip*
Remi and Blyke head to the roof. They look to see Abel on the floor.

"ABEL?!" Remi yells out.

The two rush towards Abel. Blyke lifts Abel.

"Hey man, wake up!" Blyke says.

"Ugh..." Abel groans as he wakes up. "H-Huh? Remi? Blyke? What are you doing here-?" he stops talking as he coughs.

"It's okay. Take it easy." Blyke says.

"What happened to you? Who did this?" Remi asks Abel.

"Ugh.. Some freak wearing a black mask came up here earlier" Abel responds.

"Same guy" Blyke says.

"Seems like it" Remi says.

"I-I told him that this place is off limits.. but he didn't listen. He just attacked me! And well.. it's pretty obvious how it went from there" Abel states.

"What was his build? Could you distinguish him at all? How strong was he?" Blyke asks.

"Nothing about him really stood out to me. But he was kinda tall, arms were a bit muscular and he was just wearing a basic uniform. Shirt, tie and pants. His strenght on the other hand, it wasn't anything impressive at first. He shot a couple of projectiles at me and that's it. But, As soon as I start getting serious, he somehow mirrored my ability" Abel says.

"Mirrored? So that's where the explosions came from!" Blyke says.

"Um, sorry. I don't follow."

"Isen was attacked by the same guy" Blyke responds.

"If he was able to mirror Isen's ability too. That would explain how he was able to overpower him!" Remi says.

"So, if this guy can just copy whatever ability he runs into, how the hell are we suppose to identify him?" Blyke asks.

"We'll think about that some other time. For now, let's get Abel to the infirmary" Remi replies.

"Wait! Before you do. I need to tell you something else" Abel says.

"What is it?" Remi asks.

"There were two other people with the masked guy. But they were females. One was around the masked guy hieght while the other was a bit shorter" Abel responds.

"What? So not only one, not two but three!" Blyke says.

"..Like I said, we'll worry about it later" Remi says.

The two help Abel to the infirmary.

*Time Skip before Blyke gets attacked*

"John, I think one of us needs to make an appearance" Oliva says.

"Yeah, I agree with Oliva" Mia responds.

"No, I will go!" John states.

"John. Let us help. You can trust us" Oliva says as she holds John hand.

UnOrdinary Fanfic: John's Girlfriend & Sister; {Enter GRASS}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora