Chapter 61 Training 3

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Countdown: 67 days until Grass attacks.
*Unknown Location*
A person answers the video call.

??: Dennis. Are you there?

"Yes Dark Emperor. Is there something you need?" Dennis asks.

??: Actually. Ima need you to send a few of your team darkness members to attack Wellston.

"Why? I thought we were suppose to stay hidden until Grass onslaught." Dennis states.

??: Change of plans. LA Resident Academy has sent their best to attack other members of team darkness throughtout the world. The most recent attack we got was at New Boston. The delta forces were dispatched to intercept them. However, they were ambushed by the teachers. Seems like the principal isn't joking around with us anymore. I believe they have sent your brother to Wellston along with your sister.

"You gotta be kidding me! Dammit all!" Dennis says in anger.

??: Which is why I need to cause a distraction. I believe they found where you are. So, you are to send a few members while the rest along with yourself, have to switch locations at once.

"I understand. Is that all?" Dennis asks.

??: It is. AND! I expect you to stay hidden still. Everything still needs to proceed as plan, no what what!.

The video call ends. Dennis closes the laptop.

"Dark Maid 2, Dark Sandstorm and Dark Supporter. Come here!" Dennis says.

Three people walk up and stand a few feet away from Dennis.

"Listen. I recieved word from the Dark Emperor. You three are to head to Wellston and cause a distraction while the rest of us switch locations. Is that clear?" Dennis says.

"Are you sure about that?" A female says.

"Yeah? Isn't it better that we just hide while staying together?" the other female says.

"*sigh* Yes but they are the Dark Emperor's orders. I can't go against them. You three do the best you can. And I expect you three to at least make it back." Dennis says.

"Don't worry man! We got it." the male says.

"Don't get cocky. Grass might see this as an opportunity to take down a few members of the darkness." Dennis says.

"And we'll be ready for them." the female says.

"*nods* Now go!" Dennis demands.

The three run out of the building.

*Wellston Girls Dormitory, Oliva's Room*
"Ahhh! Finally! I'm all set for training today." Oliva says.

She walks up to the door and opens it. She sees Mia standing in front of her.

"Oh Mia! I guess you were gonna check if I was ready huh?" Oliva asks.

"Yuh! We'll be going to the East Courtyard to train. Arlo already got the approval from the headmaster since we can't go out of the campus." Mia states.

"Sucks. Feels like we are throwing money down the drain for the headmaster." Oliva giggles.

"Hopefully not to much. Otherwise, it's our asses that have to pay." Mia giggles.

Oliva walks out of her room and closes the door. The two exit their dorm room and head to the east courtyard. Oliva and Mia see John and Seraphina standing there a bit awkwardly.

"JOHN! SERAPHINA!" Mia shouts.

'Damn girl! Keep the tone down, will ya?' Oliva thinks as she gives Mia a concern look.

UnOrdinary Fanfic: John's Girlfriend & Sister; {Enter GRASS}Where stories live. Discover now