Chapter 32 Meet the Servants of Love

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As Zoom and King Shark look to see a person with their eyes glowing pink. They ready themselves. Suddenly, more eyes glow appear next to the person.

"Boss. How many do you think there are?" King Shark asks.

"My guess... more than ten" Zoom responds.

As the people get closer, it is revealed that ten females are seen. Three more appear behind Zoom and King Shark. Zoom notices that the females has masks on to prevent their face being seen.

"Pink outfits. Amazing how you chose that color. Your blood will make itself be seen more clearly. Any last words?" Zoom asks.

"You won't live long enough to return to your base. Members of GRASS" the tallest masked female says.

King Shark roars. "Sir! Allow me to eat the three behind us. I'm looking forward to bite their flesh and bones off" King Shark states.

The people that surround the two begin to walking slowly towards them. All of their eyes glow. Zoom runs toward the tallest female. The female throws a punch that was able to hit Zoom. Zoom gets sent back, sliding on the floor. The female points at the two members of GRASS. All the females charge at the two. King Shark grabs two of the females but the third one punches him in the nose. One of the females stomp on the ground and ice begins to cover the ground. Zoom gets up and looks up, seeing one of the masked females charging straight at him. Zoom moves out of the way. He looks to the left and sees another masked female throwing a punch. Zoom avoids the punch, letting the masked female hit the walls of the building. Another masked female changes her hair into metal blades and attacks Zoom. Zoom avoids all the blades with his speed. As he stops, he gets kicked in the face by another masked female. The other masked female grabs Zoom and begins to crush him.


One of the masked females reveals her angel wings and flies up. The other masked female creates a whirlpool around King Shark. Another masked female creates lighting and shoots it at the whirlpool. The lighting circles around the whirlpool. The two masked females begin to remove the King Shark grip off of them. After a few seconds of struggling, they are set freed, only for the to fall on the whirlpool. The masked female with wings swoops down and grabs the two out of the whirlpool. The tallest masked female walks toward Zoom and removes his mask.

"Never thought I would see you here Hunter" The masked female says.

"Caroline. Leader of your so-called 'Servants of Love'. Didn't expect you to come here. How's home?" Hunter asks.

"It won't matter to you. I've been given the clear to end you. Any last words?" Caroline asks.

"I do. *sigh* You won't stop my boss plans. We already scouted potentail assests for our project" Hunter says with a grin.

"You mean like King Shark? Experiments on people is illegal, you know. I'm amazed that he never died in the process. What do you call his ability? Shark Transformation?"

"Yeah sure. But don't think my defeat will slow down the project progress. We are merly pawns in all this."

"Yeah yeah. BLAH BLAH BLAH."

Caroline punches through Hunter chest and removes her fist out of him. The masked female drops Hunter body. Caroline looks to see King Shark lying on the ground.

"We'll need him alive to revert the transformation!" Caroline states.

The masked female with wings lands in front of Caroline.

"Leader, the headmaster would like to speak with you before handing the female over for training."

"Thanks for the heads up Denise. Now, you know who was enrolled at Wellston?" Caroline asks.

"Carlos, Bridgette and Wendy" Denise responds.

"So my sister was one of them" Caroline says. "Regena, Carly and I will go over to Wellston to meet them. If everything goes right, we'll capture them and finish the off ASAP."

Le Bouns

Ability: Superior Claws
Level: 7.8 (10)

Ability: Speedster
Level: 3.2 (8.9)

King Shark
Ability: Shark Transformation
Level: 2.1 (8.5)

Ability: Water Manipulation
Level: 3.5 (7.8)

Ability: Hair Blades
Level: 3.2 (8.7)

Masked Female that used Ice
Ability: Ice Manipulation
Level: 2.7 (7.3)

UnOrdinary Fanfic: John's Girlfriend & Sister; {Enter GRASS}Where stories live. Discover now