Chapter 33 3v3

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*Headmaster Office*
Caroline sits down and looks at the Headmaster.

"So Denise said you wanted to speak with me." Caroline says.

"Yes. I was told that you wanted to train a student of mine. I would like to ask why?" Vaughn asks.

"Well you see. GRASS is very dangerous and more powerful. Mia is the only one here to posses two abilities and surpass level 10. But I can tell she can improve. With the training, she can reach level 10 with ability and higher with two abilities. Ms.Snow has the capable training methods to do so." Caroline states.

"And what about my other students? Shouldn't they be given this training as well?" vaughn asks.

"Then who would be left to protect this school and Wellston? Other than you of course." Caroline says.

Vaughn sighs. "I apperciate your concerns about this situation but you must know that I hold each student with a responsibility to watch over them. Handing them over to unknown group of people can be dangerous." Vaughn states.

"And I understand. But you have my word. She will be protected and when she comes back from her training, she'll be the strongest student to even surpass you." Caroline smiles.

"You could be right about that." Vaughn says.

"Now, about the members of the darkness. I sent three of my servants to attack them. We'll do our best to drag this fight outside. They have to be captured at all cost. We have special cells to hold them even with the power source giving them extra power." Caroline says.

"I'll nofity all the faculty right away. But please keep the damage at minimum." Vaughn says.

"We'll try." Caroline says.

Carlos, Bridgette and Wendy look around the hallway to have students stare at them with fear.

"Tch! Act tough then be scared when they see how weak they are against us." Carlos says.

"It's disappointing, you know." Wendy says.

"But we'll get use to it eventually." Bridgette states.

Three people charge at them. The trio turn around and get tackled to the floor. They look to see females in pink outfits and masks.

"YOU!" Carlos says.

Carlos pushes the female off of him. The students in the hallway look at them in fear.

"It's time for you to be taken out! Brother." the masked female says as she points at Carlos.

"Carly. I didn't expect you to come here. No matter. You won't stop me!" Carlos says as black smoke covers him.

The black smoke covers Wendy and Bridgette. Then, they are seen with black cloaks and masks. Carly tackles Carlos and throws him out the window. She jumps out of the window. Bridgette pushes the masked female off of her.

"Is that you sis?" Bridgette says.

"Of course." the masked female says.

Bridgette hair become metal spikes and attack the masked female. The masked female hair becomes steel and breaks through Bridgette attack, piercing her shoulders. The masked female throws Bridgette out of the window and she follows. Wendy hands transform into claws and attack the masked female. The masked female grabs Wendy wrists and slams them to the floor.

"You never learn. Do you little sister." Caroline says.

"SHUT IT BITCH!" Wendy says in anger.

Caroline lifts Wendy and throws her out the window. Caroline follows and stomps on Wendy stomach.


Caroline hands tansform into claws and jabs Wendy on her shoulders.


"You should've stayed in your cell last time." Caroline says.

Wendy tries to scratch Caroline but misses. Wendy roles back and charges at Caroline. Caroline and Wendy are at a stand still.

"You think your better because of your beauty and strenght?" Wendy says.

"If you work hard enough, you can be similar like me!" Caroline replies.

The two back off and attack really fast. Metal clangs can be heard. Wendy and Caroline get scratch marks and blood begins to show more and more.

Carly uppercuts Carlos and grabs his leg, slamming him down to the ground. Carlos creates a whirlpool. Carly creates a whirlpool to counteract Carlos whirlpool. Carly shoots a water bomb at Carlos. Carlos dodges the attack. He looks to his right, only for a kick to hit him in the face. Carlos mask cracks. Carlos takes out daggers and charges at Carly. Carly charges at Carlos. Carlos swings his daggers but Carly avoids it and punches him in the stomach.


Carly grabs one of Carlos dagger and stabs him in the shoulder.


Carly removes Carlos mask and headbutts him. Carlos nose begins to bleed and Carly punches him in the face. Carlos slides to the wall. Carly sees Carlos unconscious.

Bridgette gets stab in her legs by the masked female hair.

"Dammit Regena!" Bridgette shouts.

"You brought this upon yourself." Regena responds.

Regena hair creates seven blades and hit Bridgette. Bridgette extends her hand. Regena removes her steel hair from Bridgette. Bridgette falls to the floor.

Caroline and Wendy hit each other with their claws. Neither of them move. Caroline mask cracks and so does Wendy. Wendy's mask breaks and is shown to be smiling. Wendy falls unconscious.

Caroline looks at her sister. "Let's move!"

Caroline grabs Wendy. Regena grabs Bridgette. Carly grabs Carlos. They leave.

*Headmaster's Office*
"You understand Mia?" Vaughn says.

"Yes Headmaster. If this is the way to save people then so be it." Mia says.

"I trust her safety in your care." Vaughn says.

The masked female nods and the two leave.

"Hopefully things turn out alright." Vaughn says.

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