Side Story: Oh They Hooked Up PART 2

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Mia: Hehehe! I caused this!

Zoom9351: The fuck? How?

Mia: I have my secrets!

Zoom9351: ..... Alright then. I'll let you have this but I'm bring back familiar speedsters.

Mia: Why...?

Zoom9351: Oh don't worry! It isn't the same people in those suits >:)

Mia: I hate you so much.

Zoom9351: And I hate you.... But, I sometimes wonder which of us is right.

Mia: ..... Did you quote thawne?

Zoom9351: Yes.

Mia walks away. Zoom9351 laughs and disappears into nothingness.


Countdown: 31 days until Grass attacks.

After the girls night out the other day that consisted of Mia, Oliva, Seraphina, Cecile, Jessica, Melissa, Sabrina, Rose, Lena, Meili, Evie, Remi & Elaine. They all exchanged numbers..... Well those who have phones anyways. Why couldn't they refuse? Well...... you can thank Mia for that. Mia thought about what they shared at that night.

Mia explained about how things were between her and Isen's relationship.

Oliva talked about her relationship with John and what they plan on doing in the future.

Seraphina talked about the usual. Clothes, her annoying parents and her anger towards Leilah.

Sabrina talked about having a crush which peaked a interest for some of the things and began to tease her. She also explained about she cared about her sister and wishes for her to be by her side.

Lena talked about how her ability works and why she is saving it until the invasion. This of course, surprised some of them.

Melissa talked about how she liked being a swordswoman and how she wishes to fight strong opponents, not counting the invasion.

Jessica explains how she gotten her suit and how it was based off Savitar suit.

Rose just talked about owing a Flower Shop.

Cecile talked about why she helped Mia, Oliva and John during their time as the Joker Trio. And how she is having doubts about the hierarchy after learning about Grass invasion. Also with the authorities and Ember begin the same.

Evie just talks about how she felt happy meeting her cousin despite being killed. She explained that she wishes her cousin to be happy and reunit with her again in better circumstances.

Meili just talked about how she and Ventus be hanging out more often. Mia teased is she liked him which Meili admitted she did without hesitation.

Remi talked about how she and Blyke's relationship is. She felt happy that they are together. She also wondered if she has a relative working for Grass and wants to know why.

Elaine talks about how she liked Arlo for a while which everyone agreed how obvious it was. Elaine asked how she could get to be with Arlo which everyone gave their own opinion.

Mia made a note of how many males there are right now. The males consist of her stupid brother John(how she views him lol), Blyke, her lovely Isen(how she views him), Ventus, Asslo(how she sees Arlo), and Gabriel. She knows that John has Oliva while Seraphina likes John. Blyke has Remi. She has her Isen. Meili plans to get with Ventus before the invasion. Elaine wants to be with Arlo. It's kinda obvious that Sabrina began to develop feelings for Gabriel but she seems a bit worried for some reason. Might be because of her sister. Cecile isn't waiting for anyone since she doesn't want herself to be distracted during the invasion or so she says. Evie avoid the topic. Jessica, Lena, Melissa and Rose are focused on that right now because of the invasion happening soon.

Meili, Oliva, Elaine, Remi and Mia were gathered. Much to their fright, Mia had a plan for them to get some fun today. They headed to Kovoro mall. To see that some people are still working here was a shock to them. They got what they needed for free since the invasion is coming within the coming month.

Run down is this:

Mia and Isen got some fun in three sperate hours of the night.

Remi and Blyke got their fun in two sperate hours of the night.

Oliva and John just kept it up for hours(mainly 4).

Arlo and Elaine had a talk about. Arlo was shock that Elaine what to do it but not surprised that Mia was the one behind it all. Of course, Arlo told her that he still needed time to understand his feelings for her ever since her "death". He didn't know what to think of her but seeing that she is someone he wants to protect. Even though they didn't do it, they slept together for the night.

Meili and Ventus had the talk. And things went from there. They were almost as loud as John & Oliva.

UnOrdinary Fanfic: John's Girlfriend & Sister; {Enter GRASS}Where stories live. Discover now