Chapter 20 Everyone Knows!

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*Time Skip to where everyone learns about Seraphina's ability loss'*

John crumbles up the paper.

"No use trying to get rid of it. It's probably all around the school by now" Seraphina says. She looks at John. "John?"

John grabs Seraphina arm. "Let's get out of here."

'Huh?' "Wait John" as she gets dragged.


"Is it really true?"

"Look at them run away like that."

"Anyone gonna try and go after them?"

Two students begin to charge at Seraphina and John. John turns around and sees them. He lets go of Seraphina's arm and dodges one of the students attack. John grabs the male and kicks him in the stomach. He notices the other male jump, readying his kick. John evads the kick and uppercuts him.


Seraphina watches in surprise. 'He took them both down without an ability.'

"Head towards the stairs!" John states. "More of them will follow."



John and Seraphina run away. Krolik fires a beam at the two. John turns around and sees the beam.

"Sera! Watch out!" John yells as he pushes Seraphina to the wall.

Seraphina looks at John in surprise. "John?"

John looks confused as he didn't feel injured. "That's strange? I could've sworn a beam was heading towards us." He turns around and sees a girl with claws.

"That was a close one!" Wendy says.

John backs away from Seraphina. "You saved us?" John questions Wendy.

Wendy looks at John. "Of course. I don't care if you or your friend are cripples. Me and my friends are actually friends with a cripple" she says with a smile.

A guy with green hair throws a punch at Wendy. However, it was caught by Bridgette. The guy looked surprised.

"Hey! Just what are you-!" gets cut off as Bridgette knees him in the stomach. "Gah!" as he drops to the floor.

Wendy charges at the other student and slashs at him. The guy falls to the floor, injured.

"Hey! Enough!" someone yells.

Seraphina and John turn to see Blyke.

"That's enough fighting. Everyone, go to class" Blyke demands.

"Uhh yes sir."

"Aw man, it was just getting good."

"Yeah, I just wanted to see if she could fight."

Blyke looks at John. He then looks at Wendy and Bridgette as they deactivate their abilities.

"Hey girls. Thanks for helping me and my friend out" Seraphina says.

Bridgette and Wendy look at Seraphina. Seraphina all of a sudden feels a chill down her spine. John and Blyke could feel the chill as well.

"Oh it's no problem. Like I said earlier, we are friends with a cripple. So we can understand all of the shit" Wendy says.

"Let's go. I'm sure Carlos is waiting for us" Bridgette says.

"Alright. Well take care you two" Wendy says as she waves her hand.

The two girls walk away. They head down the stairs and see Carlos waiting for them. They walk towards him.

"So, how did it go?" Carlos asks.

"Just like you said. They were trying to attack Seraphina. Scumbags" Wendy says with disgust.

"Is this what Dennis wanted?" Bridgette asks.

"Well, he wants us to watch. I only allowed you two to intervien because I felt bad for her. It's only a matter of time until she gets back her ability. So now, we stay like good people until it's our time to attack" Carlos says.

The three head to their classes afterwards.

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