Chapter 52 Training 2

171 6 2

Countdown: 75 days until Grass attacks
*Turf Wars Ground*
The group gets of the train and heads to the turf wars grounds.

"So who's ready for the training?" Mia asks happily.

"It's necessary. We don't have a choice." Arlo replies.

Mia looks at Arlo and sticks out her tounge. Arlo huffs.

"But now we have Seraphina, this would make things easier for her." Remi says.

"But harder for us." Isen adds.

"Yeah. We are nowhere near as strong as those four." Blyke says.

"Don't be such a downer you two. You'll catch up in no time. All you need to do is take the pain and learn some new moves." Mia says with a smile.

"You mean a little pain right?" Isen asks.

"Nope." Mia replies happily.

'We are gonna die!' Isen thinks.

"So you aren't gonna be wearing what you had when you came back?" Remi asks.

"Nah! I like the outfits. I don't wanna waste in on training. I'll wear it when Grass begins to attack." Mia replies.

"Well, even though you are the strongest out of all of us, you shouldn't let your guard down." Remi points out.

"Oh I know. I'm not like John or Seraphina." Mia smiles.

John and Seraphina look a bit annoyed by Mia's comment.

"I believe we are far enough." Arlo says.

The group stops.

"So who's been partnered with who?" Remi asks.

"I'll partner up with Elanie." Mia says.

"Huh? Are you sure?" Elanie asks.

"It's either me or John. Since our ability Aura Manipulation allow us to amplify abilities, it would give you an idea how much potential you hold." Mia says.

"No way I'm partnering up with Elanie." John says.

"Guess that settles that." Mia smiles.

"Ahhh... Right." Elanie says.

"I'll partner up with Remi. She would need to learn how to create lightning whips and other moves." Oliva points out.

"I'm fine with that." Remi says.

"And what about me and Seraphina?" Arlo asks.

"Oh! John will take you two." Mia replies.

"What? You can't be serious." Arlo replies.

"Yeah sis. Why do I have to take them both?" John asks.

Mia activates her ability and copies Blyke's ability. She creates 14 energy beams from her hands and points it at John and Arlo. "This isn't up to debate."

The rest back up. Arlo and John look surprised by Mia's action.

"Alright fine." Arlo gives in.

"Okay okay. No need to go that far sis." John says with holding his hands up.

Mia powers down and lowers her hand. Mia sighs and gives a smile. "Good! See, it wasn't so bad to least try."

"More like threaten." John says.

Mia gives John a glare. John looks away.

"You don't have a problem with that, do you Seraphina?" Mia asks.

UnOrdinary Fanfic: John's Girlfriend & Sister; {Enter GRASS}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat