Chapter 38 The Message

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*Headmaster's Office*
Vaughn was looking at the news as he sips on his coffee.

"Today, the authorities have found several bodies around a warehouse in the low-tier town. It has been confirm that both members of EMBER and GRASS were killed in a battle. We bring you live to the location." says the news reporter.

"Thank you. Today, the authorities allowed us to capture this horrible sight of this massacre. As you can see, inside the warehouse are members of GRASS being hanged on the wall by crystal spears and crystal spikes on their bodies. Over in the far corner are both a member of EMBER and GRASS dead. It is believed that they killed each other at the same time. Sir! Can you explain what the authorities plan to do with the weapons being collected and the bodies?" asks the woman in the news.

"For starters, they weapons will be taken for analysis and used by the authorities. Secondly, the bodies will be taken and dealt with the higher up. That is all." the man says as he walks away.

"There you have it folks. Now, we-" gets in interrupted by screaming in the background.

Vaughn looks at the news more carefully. A white lightning speeds around the authorities. The people there get killed except the news reporter and the cameraman. The white lightning stops in front of the woman, revealing a metal suit.

"Wh-What...." the woman says.

"Is this being broadcast live?" asks the armored man.

"Y-Yes!" the woman says in fear.

"Good! Bring the camera closer to me." demands the armored man.

The camera closes in.

A/N: No I don't own the character obviously

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A/N: No I don't own the character obviously. He will just be used for the plot of GRASS like the others. Blah Blah Blah!

"Good. Now, it's time for me to reveal myself for those watching. During the attack on OUROBOROS City, I was known as the metal speedster. Today, that name changes as I am Savitar. I have a message to everyone that my master wishes to relay. In three months, GRASS will launch a full on strike in this state. Just like the attack at OUROBOROS City a few years ago. After countless of our members have died by team darkness or EMBER, the master finally decided to stop playing around. Do not! I repeat, DO NOT TRY TO RUN. WE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN TO THE END OF THE EARTH! We have calculated everyone yesterday. If anyone tries to leave before the attack, will be killed. ALL HIGH-TIERS and GOD-TIERS! Use this time to become much stronger. If you wish to save this pathetic state, use this time wisely. This hierarchy is at fault here. Our master suffer too much on this hierarchy, now it is time for the hierarchy to fall. EMBER, if you watching, prepare yourself as we been tracking every single one of you all this time without you even realizing it. You have money, power and a 'good life' you claim to have. You have everything BUT DESERVE NONE OF IT!!!!!!" Savitar says as he eyes glow blue from his suit. "And this message is solely for Wellston. My master will begin to take the god-tiers at your disposal during the attack. They should feel honor that my master have been interested in them over the past few months." Savitar states as he speeds into the warehouse.

"T-T-There you have it folks... In three months, the army of GRASS will begin to attack us. No one is safe. Our fate is sealed... Just like Ouroboros City." the woman says.

After the woman finishes speaking, the warehouse explodes. The woman and the camera man scream. The live broadcast gets cut off.

"What can the authorities do? What does Wellston have to do with GRASS? All answers, is only what GRASS can tell us. We are doomed." says the news reporter.

Vaughn looks very pissed off.

Vaughn takes a deep breath. "Come in."

Seraphina and Elanie enter and close the door.

"Seraphina, Elanie, What brings you here today?" Vaughn asks.

"Sir, are you aware about GRASS?" Seraphina asks.

"I am. Why?" Vaughn asks.

"Well, we checked out a article that date a few years back on Ouroboros City destruction and found that it listed people that were considered generals or commanders." Elanie states.

"I see. But I'm afraid it won't do any good now." Vaughn says.

"Why?" Seraphina asks.

"Just a minute ago, a member of GRASS was speaking live in the news. We have three months until GRASS launches a full on strike in the state." Vaughn says.

Seraphina and Elanie look shocked.

"I know. It's so sudden but with the recent attack between EMBER and GRASS, their leader decided that play time was over. The metal speedster which he calls himself Savitar, relayed the message in the news." Vaughn says.

"But did ever mention the project GRASS was working on?" Elanie asks.

"What project?" Vaughn asks.

"That's why we came to show you what we found. It listed several people that were commanders or generals of the attack. But it gave a theory on what GRASS goal is." states Seraphina as she looks serious.

Vaughn looks at the two for a moment before nodding. "Very well. But, I must bring all the royals here as well. Including John and Oliva. Is that alright?" he asks.

Seraphina looks hesitated as she heard the last two. "S-Sure."

"Alright then." Vaughn says.

"Will Arlo, Remi, Blyke, Isen, John and Oliva report to my office." Vaughn says in the speaker.

John and Oliva look at each other with confusion. Arlo looks confused. Isen, Remi and Blyke wonder what's going on.

*5 minutes later*
They all enter the Headmaster's Office and see Seraphina and Elanie there.

"Good, all of you are here. Now, let us begin on why I called you all here." Vaughn says.

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