Chpater 10 Seraphina's Suspension!

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*Timeskip to where Seraphina sends a message to Mia, Oliva and John to meet her at the gates*

"Sera!" John notices the luggage. "Hey, what's the luggage for?" John asks.

"I have a flight in two hours. Elaine ratted me out after all." Seraphina says.

"That's not fair!" Mia pouts.

"So, they decided to send me home for a month." Seraphina says.

"What?! That's insane!" John states.

"Well it's better than being kicked out John." Oliva comments.

"She's right John. The situation could've been worse. The authorities seems to be scared because of all the high-tiers dying. They are just taking precautions." Seraphina states. "Oh the bright side, they won't be after you any time soon. I managed to trick the lie detector." she says while giving a thumbs up.

"That's Seraphina for you." Mia says while giggling.

"I was almost caught twice. Luckily the headmaster saved me." Seraphina adds.

"Sera!" John yells as he grabs Seraphina's shoulder. "Stop talking like it's nothing. What if you were found out? Your punishment could've been worse. You should've told the truth. The book was mine after all. This all started because of me."

Oliva and Mia look at John. Seraphina just stares at John.

"It doesn't matter now. What matters is that both of us are unscathed. This will be the last time we ever hear about unordinary. When I return in a month, all this will be behind us." Seraphina says while smiling.

"Guess that's true." as John pats Seraphina shoulder.

"Mia, Oliva, please watch John while I'm gone." Seraphina asks.

"You can count on me. I'll protect my brother!" Mia states.

"Of course. After all, he is my boyfriend so it is my responsibility to take care of him." Oliva says as she smiles.

Seraphina smiles. The car honks.

"That's my driver. Probably my cue to leave. I'll text you." Seraphina waves as she enters the car.

John, Mia and Oliva waves backs. As the car leaves, the three walk back to the school. John looks at the school as it looks gloom from his eyes.

"Hey Arlo. What are you gonna do now that Seraphina is gone?" Holden asks.

"Nothing." Arlo responds.

"What?" Holden was surprised.

"We wait for news to spread and watch the school break him down." Arlo says.

"And the girls with him?" Holden asks.

"They might prove to be troublesome." Arlo states.

The three walk, minding their own business.

"Hey you!" a person calls out.

John, Mia and Oliva turn around.

"Who the hell?" Mia asks.

"Long time no see." Gavin says as he cracks his knuckles. "I believe we have some unfinish business."

John grabs Mia and Oliva wrists and pulls them, as they run away. "No, I think you got the wrong person. BYE!"

"HEY! Get back here" Gavin runs after the three.

"Your still mad about the window thing? I thought we passed that already. Just move on." John says.

The three stop running after reaching a dead end. They turn around and see Gavin kick. John dodges it. He drops Gavin as he runs away. He throws his stuff at Gavin to distract him. Oliva and Mia run after John.

"Why you little- Huh? Hey! Get back here!" Gavin says. He looks around and sees the three running away. Gavin runs at John, passing Mia and Oliva, tackling John to the floor. "A cripple like you thinks he can outrun me? Keep dreaming buddy." He says, forgetting that Mia and Oliva are watching. "I won't fall for your stupid tricks again. Nobody's here to save you now!"

Mia activates her ability.

"TIME TO TAKE BACK WHAT YOU OWE ME!" Gavin says as he hits John.


After giving John a black eye and a broken arm, Mia charges at Gavin. Gavin turns around and realizes that Mia and Oliva were here. He notices Mia is using the same ability as him.

"What the-!" Gavin gets interrupted as Mia punches him in the face.

Gavin slides to the floor and gets back up. "You little bitch! You'll pay-!"

Mia punches him in the stomach, then in the face. She continues to beat down at Gavin.

"W-Wait! Stop!" Gavin says while he bleeds. "I'm sorry. I won't bother John-!" Oliva kicks him in the face.

Oliva and Mia stare down at Gavin as he realizes that he's screwed. Mia and Oliva grin and throw a punch.



"Back so soon?" Doc says while smiling. "It hasn't been four hours since Seraphina left and here you are with a black eye and a broken arm. I'm more surprised that your sister hasn't healed you."

"Yeah, but why are you smiling about it?" John asks while drinking the tonic.

"So Keene and I, we made a bet to see how long it would take you to break something after the news of Sera's suspension got around." Doc responds.

John spurts out the tonic after hearing that.

"WHAT?!" both Oliva and Mia say in unison.

"Now he owes me fifty bucks." Doc says with a smile.

"WHAT THE HELL DOC!" John yells.

"So just for today, I won't give you a hard time." Doc says with a smile.

"Gee, thanks." John says.

"Now, if you had come in any later or your sister healed you. I probably would've strangled you." Doc stated.

"Wow." Mia says.

Oliva just rolls her eyes while crossing her arms.

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