Chapter 48 Mia's Return

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Countdown: 80 days until GRASS attacks.
*Wellston's Airport, 9am*
Mia, Caroline and three other females walk out of the plane and into the building.

"Denise. Take Mia back to Wellston. I believe we are about to have some company." Caroline says as she puts her mask on.

"Understood." Denise replies as she puts her mask on.

Denise and Mia run out the building. Denise actiavtes her ability and angel wings appear on Denise's back. She carries Mia and flies. The other two girls put their masks on.

"Helena, Kara. You ready?" Caroline asks.

The two nod. Two indiviuals approach the girls.

A/N: This artwork belongs to Boss Logic on Reddit

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A/N: This artwork belongs to Boss Logic on Reddit. Credit goes to him! And the characters belong to the flash as you can see ._. Just wanna get that cleared!

"Well well. What do we have here? Visitors from LA." Killer Frost says.

"So pick your choices. Be burned to crisp or be frozen till death." Deathstorm says.

"How about neither." Caroline responds.

The girls activate their abilities.

"Oh well. *rolls eyes* We gave them a chance." Killer Frost says as she fires an ice beam at the girls.

The girls avoid the ice beam.

'So she's just like Samantha. Her ability is basically the same.' Caroline thinks.

Deathstorm fires fireballs at the two girls charging at him. They dodge it. Deathstorm creates a flamewheel and shoots it at Helena. Helena braces herself and gets hit. Some of her clothes get burn and her mask melts a little. Kara creates a sandstorm around Deathstorm.

"Sand huh?" Deathstorm says.

He creates a flame wall and turns the sand into glass.

"Gotcha." Kara says.

Helena charges at Deathstorm. She shatters the glass and punches Deathstorm. Glass shards begin to cut the both of them. Caroline slashes at Killer Frost.

"Auh! You son of a bitch!" Killer Frost says as she freezes the floor. Killer Forst fires an icicle at Caroline.

Caroline jumps back to avoid the icicle hitting her. She lands on the ice and wobbles a little. Killer Frost fires an ice beam at Caroline. Caroline blocks the ice beam. Killer Frost increases the cold and freezes Caroline in place. Helena slams Deathstorm to the floor and punches him in the face, taking the burning effect in her fist. Kara shoots a sand ball at Killer Frost. Killer Frost crashes into the desk and falls on one leg. Caroline breaks free of the ice.

"Give up. You won't win in the long run." Caroline says.

Caroline was fast enough to react and blocks the punch that suddenly came. Caroline looks to see Savitar.

UnOrdinary Fanfic: John's Girlfriend & Sister; {Enter GRASS}Where stories live. Discover now