Chapter 91 Isen and his Uncle?

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Countdown: 51 days until Grass attacks.
*Isen's Room, Morning*
Isen stretches and yawns. He notice something on him and lifts the blanket. He seens Mia sleeping on top him.

'Holy shit! I forgot she spend the night with me!' Isen thinks.

Isen tries to move but Mia groans.

"Five more minutes please." Mia mumbles.

Isen smiles and holds Mia. Mia smiles in her sleep.

*Grass Hideout*
"Just as I thought. Most of the people left just to avoid the invasion. Well, it matters not. It just makes things easier in destroying the state." Ms.Bowkin smirks. "Roughly 90% has left yesterday. The other 10% are either those who are gonna fight against us or just embrassing their death when the time comes."

Ms.Bowkin pulls up the video feed.

"Yes? What is it Octavius?" Ms.Bowkin asks.

"It seems we have a problem at hand. The bonding is beginning to reject the bodies. What should we do?" Doc Ock asks.

"Give them the stablizer. Those should slow down the bonding, allowing the body to give time to adjust." Ms.Bowkin says.

"Understood." Doc Ock says as he ends the call.

"There it always time for improvement." Ms.Bowkin smiles.

*Wellston, Front Entrance*
"So this is Wellston huh? I must say, I never expected to be so quiet. Who am I kidding? Hahahaha! The message gave them the chance to escape. Of course they would take the opportunity to escape." a man says.

The man begins to enter the school grounds.

*Isen Room*
Mia and Isen make out on the bed. Mia suddeny opens her eyes and taps Isen. Isen backs up.

"What?" Isen asks.

"I felt a powerful aura just now. No doubt John noticed too. Come on." Mia says.

Isen and Mia get ready. Isen texts the group.

*Outside the Dormitories*
The man looks around.

"Hmm. So nobody here? Did they all leave?" the man questions.

And energy beam is fired at them man. The man jumps to the side.

'Woah! There. You coud've hurt somebody." the man states.

John, Mia, Isen, Oliva, Seraphina and Arlo are seen. The man smirks.

"Oh so there are some people still left. I was beginning to worry that there was no here." the man says.

'Wait! I recongize that voice. N-No.... It can't be.' Isen thinks.

"Good thing I came to check things out. I know how busy Ms.Bowkin is." the man smiles.

Isen steps forward. "Uncle?"

"Hm? Oh Isen my boy! How you been? Look at you! Last time I saw you, you were only a kid. It's nice to see you again. Your mother did send me pictures of you growing up." the man says.

"Isen?" Mia calls.

A/N: That's right! I'm bring a character from DxD into unordinary

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A/N: That's right! I'm bring a character from DxD into unordinary.

"Oh how rude of me. I am Azazel. Also Isen's uncle." Azazel smirks.

"You work for Grass?" Isen asks.

"Yes I do. I didn't expect you to be here honestly. It's a shame you are on the wrong side." Azazel shakes his head.

"Wrong side? Are you kidding me?! Grass has caused many deaths! DON'T YOU SEE THAT!" Isen shouts.

"Isen...." Mia trails off.

"Isen. Don't start lecturing me. Don't think I know about what you have done. Hacking into school records, not caring about the low-tiers until you realized the problem AFTER you were defeated by a so-call 'cripple'. I'm disappointed. You just had to follow the hierarchy." Azazel sighs.

"I learned from my mistakes. I am changing!" Isen says.

"Oh really? Tell me Isen. Why didn't you help the low-tiers when you gotten stronger?" Azazel asks.

Isen stays quiet.

"It's becaused you nevered care. You only cared about the hierarchy and what you could benefit from. Did you not consider that those kids were actually human beings? They weren't punching bags to practice hitting. They had feelings. They didn't deserve to be bullied." Azazel states.

Everyone stays quiet.

"You know. The whole reason Grass exists was to help the low-tiers feel powerful and show them what the hierarchy flaws were. Once you were deemed a low-tier, you get treated awful. Imagine someone suddenly became strong and took down eveything that wronged them? They get punished for it. The authorities don't see that. They just want to keep the hierarchy in place. After all, that was the whole reason why they created Ember. It was to preserve the hierarchy by any means. That's why superheroes were killed. I'm sure your friend told you that. Well, in her own way. If you want someone or something to blame. Blame the hierarchy and the person who made it. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here. Ember is trying to find a way to stop us but we show them who's in control. NXGen and ZetaSci were trying to create weapons to stop us but we took care of them. Grass is showing how strong they are as a whole. The invasion is meant to open people's eyes. See what the hierarchy brought." Azazel says.

"Then why did you join them?" Isen asks.

"I joined them because I agreed with them. The world needs to change. Getting rid of the hierarchy is one of the means of getting a new world order. But I can't say you'll see things the same way." Azazel says.

Mia hugs Isen from behind. "Calm down. Don't attack blindy."

"Listen to your friend. You aren't strong enough to beat me. Let alone scratch me." Azazel says.

"I'm his girlfriend idiot." Mia says.

"Oh? So you happen to be dating Ms.Bowkin daughter. At least you have great taste. A powerful and beautiful woman, hard to come by nowadays." Azazel rubs his chin.

"So why are you here?" Isen asks.

"Like I said earlier, to see if anyone is still here. Now that I see you, your girlfriend and your friends, I'll be going." Azazel waves off as he walks away.

"Uncle!" Isen shouts.

Azazel stops.

"I'll see you during the invasion." Isen growls.

"Sure kid." Azazel walks away.

Mia stops hugging Isen.

"Isen?" Mia calls with worry.

Isen turns around and hugs Mia. Mia pats Isen back.

"Guess that means his uncle is now an enemy. Who else?" Arlo asks.

Azazel looks back and smiles.

UnOrdinary Fanfic: John's Girlfriend & Sister; {Enter GRASS}Where stories live. Discover now