Chapter 8 Discussion/Interview

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*Headmasters Office*
Vaughn takes a sip of his coffee. As he feels a breeze, he places the cup down onto his desk. "You have a lot of nerve to step foot in this school" Vaughn says. He looks at the masked person, standing a few feet away from him. "Why are you here? Do you plan on harming my students?" as his eyes glow.

"No need to be so defensive Headmaster" the masked person states.

"Then why are you here? What reason do you have on being here?" Vaughn asks.

"I am here to warn you." the masked person says.

"Warm me? About what? EMBER?" Vaughn asks, looking concerned.

"No. I am here to warn you about GRASS." the masked person says as he looks at the window.

"GRASS? Haven't they be gone for three years ever since the incident at-" Vaughn gets interrupted.

"Ouroboros City." the mask person finishes as he removes his mask. "Yes, they haven't been seen in the public eye for three years but now, they have returned. They are planning to send a few people at Wellston. Not only to choose their test subjects but also taking EMBER resources."

"And why do you need to tell me this?" Vaughn asks as his eyes stop glowing.

"I was ordered by my leader. Since this school is gonna be the center of attention, it was best for you to know what could occur. GRASS is far far worse than EMBER. Once they set their eyes on something, they won't stop until they get what they want. Dead or alive when it comes to people." the male says.

"Thank you for the heads up but I assume that's not all you want to discuss." Vaughn says.

"Always thinking ahead." the male smirks. "I want a few of my friends to be enrolled at this school."

"No. I can't have my students be in dangerous presences. You and your 'friends' are the reason so many people have died." Vaughn states, looking angry.

"Yeah well, they deserved it. Me and my friends could care less about the hierarchy. We are doing this to lure out EMBER and GRASS. That is my task." the male says.

"And what benefit would you get if I decided to let a few of your 'friends' enroll at this school?" Vaughn asks.

"Simple really. We can observe who will be the likely target. GRASS and EMBER both focus on high-tiers. As long as we know who those high-tiers are, we can stop them." the male shrugs.

"You're still suspicious. Very well. But I must inform you that only three of your friends will be allowed to enroll. I don't want things to get out of control and make this school a war zone." Vaughn states.

"Very well. I accept those terms" the male snaps his fingers.

Three masked people appear behind the male. The three people unmask themselves.

"The female is Wendy [Redacted], the male in the middle is Carlos [Redacted] and the other female is Bridgette [Redacted]. These three will be the ones to enroll at this school." the male states.

"Very well. However, they must give details about their abilities and levels." Vaughn says.

"Alright. Although, there is something you should be aware of. Our abilities and levels will change because of a power item I have. It will be difficult to explain but I thought you should be aware of this." the male smiles.

"Fine. Anything else?" Vaughn questions.

They shake their heads.

"Good. I'll inform the staff about these three. Don't make me regret this decision or I'm coming after you" Vaughn threatens as his eyes glow.

UnOrdinary Fanfic: John's Girlfriend & Sister; {Enter GRASS}Where stories live. Discover now