Chapter 27 Learning the Identities of the Joker Trio

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*Time Skip to Blyke, Isen and Remi in the empty classroom*
"John? What's your reasoning about him being the male Joker?" Remi asks.

"Well to be honest, there isn't much. It's just a strong feeling. I was wondering what the male Joker would be like at his weakest and the idea hit me. If he doesn't have an ability to copy.. wouldn't that make him powerless? And John is a cripple. Ah, I don't know. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. I guess it doesn't really make sense" Blyke states.

'Dang, his intuition is really good. What should I do?' Isen thinks.

"Hmm? Isen, what do you think? Remi asks as she turns to look at Isen.


"Do you know anything about John?" she asks.

"Uh, well.."

Blyke remembers Isen looking up John. "Wait a sec! Weren't you obsessing over him a while ago? I remember watching you look him up!"

Isen stays quiet as Blyke continues.

"And when he moved in with.. you told me to be nice to him!"

A/N: Oh yeah. I never mentioned about what happened with John, Oliva and Mia housing situation. Well short run is this. Vaughn made Mia, Oliva and John live in the dorms. Mia and Oliva are in the same dorm room while John moved in with Blyke just like in Unordinary. My bad .-.

Blyke grabs Isen shirt. "Isen, you asshole!" he shouts. "You've known since the beginning, and you never told us?! What the hell is wrong with you? Was this funny?! Watching us struggle to figure out all three of Jokers identities."

"...No" Isen responds.

"Guys, stop!" Remi shouts. "Let's talk this out!" as she holds Blyke shoulder. "Blyke, calm down."

"You want me to calm down?! My roommate is a fucking maniac and my bestfriend has been hiding it from me all along!"

"This is exactly why I didn't say anything. Because your impulsive ass would only make things worse!" Isen responds.

"Bitch! The situation has already escalated to this point. Things can't get any worse!" Blyke shouts.

Remi actiavtes her ability.

"Just shut the fuck up! You don't even know what you're talking about!" Isen shouts back.

Remi points her fingers between the two.


Remi fires a electrical charge between them, hitting the chalk board. Isen and Blyke get scared. They look at her.

"That's enough. We can't fight among ourselves right now. The school is divided enough. We have to be honest with each other. From now on, no more secerts allowed. That being said.. Isen, explain yourself" Remi says as she looks at Isen.

Isen looks worried. "I thought about it over so many times. Knowing his identity isn't gonna help. It'll only distract us."

"Dude, what are you talking about? That gives us a huge advantage! We can alert the school. You put this in the newspaper and problem solved. Everyone will know John is the male Joker" Blyke states.

"No, there's no proof. Who, in their right mind, would believe John is one of the Jokers?"


"A minute ago, you couldn't even believe it yourself. If I put that in the newspaper without evidence, I'll be a laughing stock" Isen points out.

"Hmm. If it's proof you need. We could jump him while he's weak and force him to admit he is the male Joker" Remi says.

"There you go" Blyke says.

"No no. Just think about it! He's been posing as a cripple almost two years. He's clearly commited to the act. He'd never give in. And remember.. to the rest of the school. John's just an innocent dude who's been minding his business and hanging out with his girlfriend and sister. Attacking him out of nowhere would make us look like a bunch of reckless high-tiers. Right now, we don't have the means to force him to do anything."

"Damn it! I tried so hard to be friendly with him" Blyke says.

"Why? I don't understand why he's doing this!" Remi says.

"I've seen his records. He's always had violent tendencies. That's why I've kept an eye on him since I discovered his secret. But ever since Arlo provoked him, he's gotten really angry. And after Seraphina lost her ability, he's only gotten angerier" Isen says.

"Wait! You mean, Arlo a-already knew? Why hasn't he done anything about it?" Remi asks.

Isen look surprised and looks down. "Remi... Arlo was defeated by John ages ago."

"What? No way!" Blyke shouts. "How is Remi suppose to beat John if Arlo couldn't even-?" he stops himself and stays quiet.

Remi looks disappointed and a bit nervous. 'So back then... the one who hurt you. Was John." Remi thinks.

"Wait! Why haven't Oliva and Mia done anything to stop John?" Blyke asks. "Haven't they known John for a long time. Why can't they talk John out of it?"

"Yeah, he's right. If we can tell Mia or Oliva to stop John, everyone will be safe" Remi adds.

Isen looks disappointed. "No we can't."

"WHAT?!" Remi and Blyke say in unison.

"But why?" Remi asks.

"Because Mia was the one who defeated Blyke and Oliva was the one who defeated Cecile. Those two are helping John" Isen states. "They are the two female Jokers."

Blyke and Remi look shocked.

'Wait? Mia? But why?' Blyke thinks. Then he remembers the color of her barrier when she attacked Arlo in turf wars. 'The color. Of course! Why didn't I recongize it!'

Remi clenches her fist and runs out of the classroom.

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