Imagine #59: Daddy & His Little Boy

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Your POV

I was down in the kitchen, washing the dishes. I rinsed the soap off the last plate and put it on the side with all the other things for drying.

I sighed and washed my hands, then using a kitchen towel to dry them off. I made my way to the dining room to check if anything was left in there. Only Keane's sippy cup. I picked it up to see some of the unfinished juice.

I smiled, shaking my head and straightened his high chair before retreating back to the kitchen. I put the cup in the sink and made my upstairs to the quite house that rang with outbreaks of giggles every now and then.

I plodded up the stairs because I was pretty tired since I was up since eight because of a nightmare and couldn't sleep after that no matter how much Kendall, my husband, tried to pull me down again. I was staring at the blank TV screen like a dead zombie, and I'd rather not tell what happened.

I yawned, rubbing my eyes, about to open the door to my room, but coming to a stop just before my hand came in contact with the wooden surface of the ajar door.

I peaked inside: Kendall sat on the bed,  with his legs pulled up and Keane sitting on his stomach: his back pressed against his father's thighs. Kendall was holding both of his little hands in his as he smiled at him.

What's he smilin'  at?

I watched, as Keane leaned in and cupped his father's face with his hands and slapped both sides. Ouch.

Kendall closed his eyes as the little hands slapped his scruffy cheeks. I stiffled a chuckle that threatened to escape my lips. Keane giggled again as Kendall crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out at him.

As Keane kicked his legs, Kendall got hold of them and brought his little feet up to his face, shielding it from him.

"Peak-a-boo!" He said as he showed his face again. Keane chuckled appreciatively. It went on for a while, during which time my legs grew tired. Should I just go in? I wondered.

But right then, Kendall's smiley face turned into a grossed out one. "Ewww!" He cried, flapping his hand in front of his nose.

Oops. Did someone fluff?

"Keane, this is not cool." He told his son.

"Dude stop!" He shouted after a while, through a gale of adorable laughter as he picked him up off himself and held him at arm's-length.

"Why?" He whined, making that face again. Outside, I was dying of silent laughter. I swear I could feel a broken rib. I held the wall beside me to steady myself.

"Y/N?" Came Kendall's voice through room. Trying to keep a straight face, I walked in. "What is it? " I asked casually.

Still holding Keane two feet away from him,  he handed him to me. "Diaper change." He said.

Okay. Here's the deal Mister schmidt.

"Oh, no." I smirked handing him back. "Since daddy and his little boy were having so much fun, why doesn't daddy change the diaper himself?"

"Aw,  come on, babe. No. Please." He begged. "Not the diaper."

"Why not the diaper?" I continued to smirk.

"You want me to puke over him? It'll be even more messy." He said, handing Keane over.

I let out a derisive laugh and handed the little boy back. "I'm tired, and I know you did it yesterday."

"I changed him this morning as well!" He protested.

"Hey, it's not my fault your son's a fan of pooping." I said pulling the covers over me.

"He has a healthy digestive system." He said in Keane's defense.

"That's a good thing." I said brightly. "Now if you don't hurry,  he's gonna get a rash." I told.him sweetly.

"Oh goodness!" He exclaimed.

"Keane?" He called is son's attention. We hadn't noticed, but he was grinning like someone had painted a permanent smile in his face.

"Young man, we have to set up a pooping schedule." He told him as I burst into hysterical laughter.

Keane nodded slowly. Poor thing. Must he so confused right now. "Good." He added as he turned around to do what he had to do. "Babe? " he called over his smirking over his shoulder. "I'm gonna get you for this."

"Go change him or I'm gonna Instagram the whole thing with a nose clip in your face." I warned.

"Okay, okay." He said. "But it's the last time today." He said.

"Sure. " I smiled.

He walked out, still carrying Keane at arm's- length, his legs kicking the air.

"Oh my gosh." Came a grumble after five minutes. Then came a yell. "You better prepare yourself!"



Lol. Tell me what u think. :)

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