Imagine #83: The One I Want

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Wow, this is gonna be really long.


Kendall's POV

I looked over at Bailey over my coffee and got up. She followed suit and looked at me with smiling eyes. I leaned forwards and kissed Bailey for a brief second and then suddenly pulled away because she had attempted to poke her tongue in my mouth.

She giggled and I forced a smile. I waved and left the building. I got in my car and let out a heavy sigh. I rested my head on the back of the seat and gripped the steering wheel. I wasn't ready to go back.

Not because of Bailey. But because of Y/N.

I wasn't sure who I wanted. Y/N is...great. She is always with me. She was my girlfriend until I cheated on her with Bailey. She still doesn't know- and according to Bailey, it's high time I broke up with her and accepted that I liked Bailey more than Y/N.

I don't know why I cheated on her in the first place. Maybe it was because I felt like she wasn't giving me enough of her. Or maybe I found Bailey's curvy figure more attractive. But no. No, Bailey isn't my type. I never liked extra curvy women. They're all sluts. And perhaps Bailey is one too, because I've seen her flirt around with almost everyone even when I'm around.

Surprisingly, I don't mind at much as I did when this one dude tried to hit on Y/N. But that was before Bailey, and she was the only girl in my life. Now I had Bailey, but it wasn't the same with her as it was with Y/N. There was a lot more kissing and fucking and making-out then just spending time watching movies or just cuddling. All she, Bailey, wanted was my body. On the other hand, all Y/N wanted, was my company; the 'comfort of my arms' as she called it. She wanted to spend time with me, cuddle with me, tease me, and wanted to hug me just for the heck of it. She was different as compared to Bailey.

Bailey would never spend time with me. She seemed to think that every second her mouth wasn't anywhere on me, was a second wasted. Which wasn't what I wanted in the first place. When I chose her over Y/N, I wasn't thinking straight. I don't even know why I chose her over Y/N anyway.

And that's why I felt guilty. It was eating me up from inside and it was unbearable. I couldn't face Y/N after a day 'working' which basically meant another day spent with Bailey. It cost me everything to see the warm smile on her face and the encouraging twinkle in her eyes when she'd think I was tired because of working all day instead of having Bailey tire my brains out after continuously tracing her finger up and down my body and pulling my hair off.


Maybe being with Bailey was fun in the beginning. Like the first two weeks, now I felt like her slave, and it only got better when I'd get back to Y/N at the end of the day where she'd envelop me in her welcoming arms and would tell me to rest- and I would. Without hesitating, I would struggle out of my jeans and shirt and pull the covers on myself, finally relaxing, and then minutes later, Y/N would come up to me and lay down beside me. I would hug her and she would bury her face in my chest and go to sleep without questioning anything, thinking I was tired because of 'work'.

Her soft make up free lips would wake me up the next morning. Smiling without a care in the world. She'd snuggle into my neck and nuzzle her nose until I'd tickle her and she'd back away laughing that funny laugh of hers.

So you choose her.

I...yeah. Yes. Yes, I choose Y/N over Bailey. Y/N is the one I need. The one I want. The one who can love even when I'm being stupid and idiotic. She would never turn her back on me, and I love her. Her not Bailey. Bailey was always the side girl. She never meant anything to me.

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now