Imagine #48: Naughty Or Nice (Christmas Special)

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Ummm....sorry I'm late? ;)


Your POV

Sun beams hit my face as I slowly opened my eyes on Christmas morning. I smiled at the thought of spending the entire day with my boyfriend. I turned around to face him in the cozy warm quilt. My smile faded as I saw an empty bed. I leaned over to see if there was a note or something. There was.

Good Morning beautiful!! :)
Merry Christmas, baby doll. I'm so sorry for not being there. :( But I really have to work on the new song. Most prolly I'll be back before you wake up. I love you baby. Sorry. xoxo 

I sighed and layed on my back and stared at the boring old ceiling as the memories of last night flooded back. I covered my face with my hands and blushed and smiled to myself.

Cuddles, kisses, hugs and I love you's.

I could smell something delicious from downstairs. But what was it? I sat up and pushed my hair back and just as I was about to get out of bed, but the door flew open.

"Good morning, beautiful! How was your night? Mine was wonderful, with you by my side!" He sang the smiling as he waltzed into the room with a tray, wearing a grey tee and black pj's, tousle haired and unshaven, he set the tray on my lap, pecked my lips and straightened up.

"Breakfast in bed for the only girl I have eyes for, apologizing for not being here when you woke up and being the worst boyfriend alive. Hope that makes up for it, if not, I have other plans as well. If you need anything, I'll be stalking you from the other side of the bed." He smiled.

I smiled back and looked down at the tray. Heart-shaped pancakes. Dammit Kendall!

"Aww, this is nice." I giggled, shook my head and began to eat. I looked at him: he was staring at me, unbinkingly. I put some cakes on a fork and shoved them into his mouth. He smiled again and continued to stare at me. "Can you not?!" I asked laughing.

He ginned. "Nope. Not until you kiss me."

"Didnt I just do that?"

"No, that was me." He said, matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes and gently pressed my lips to his. He pulled away after a few seconds. "Better?" I asked. "Much." He answered, smirking. "Naughty." I said

I finished the pancakes, feeding him along and then he went downstairs to give Sissy her Christmas breakfast. Meanwhile, I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of black tights, along with black skirt and a black top, pulling a little grey sweater over it. I pulled on my grey winter boots as well and grabbed my purse. I walked back into our bedroom to see Kendall wearing his black jeans and a black tee, and was pulling on a a dark green and black jumper over it.

I pecked his cheek as he grabbed my hand and we went downstairs. "What did you get me?" He asked. As he grabbed his mom's present.

"Hmmm, lets see...You can't have it till dinner." I smirked.

"Naughty!" he exclaimed. "Why not now?!" He asked.

"What did you get me?" I asked changing the topic. "I got you tw- er something." He said looking away from me.

"Kendall? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Er, when can I have my gift?" He asked.

"Probably after dinner. When do I get mine?"

"Around the same time." He smiled.

"Now who's being naughty?"

He laughed and put his arm around my shoulders as we watched TV. I snuggled into his side and put my arm around him as well. The morning was spent on the couch, munching on Christmas cookies from Grandma Boots.

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