Imagine #13: Anything

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This one is based on the song "Anything" by BTR.


I was standing in the living room. Next to the woofers that were set on either side of the television.

I decided I was going to listen to one of my all time favorite songs, "Anything" by my best friends' band:  Big Time Rush.

I put the song on with full volume but at that moment, I heard someone knocking on the front door.

I opened the door and smiled broadly. The guys were standing there.

Kendall, Logan, James, Carlos, Alexa, Mackenzie, Peta and I  had been friends for about almost two years. Aoout the same time I had gained fame and had a few thousand fans.

They were all clearly here to celebrate. Because only last night I had won my first award at the VMA's. I had been nominated for "Best Covered Song. I was very surprised myself because the song I had covered was pretty old (It was "I wanna love you" by Akon).

"Hello!", "Surprise!" and "Congratulations!" they all yelled

I let them all in and we all went to the kitchen to get drinks.

Everyone was drinking and singing along to Anything. Except for the chorus, of course which the guys sung alone.

I had had a crush on Kendall since I was 12. I had practically grown up watching BTR.

Alexa and Mackenzie, naturally, found out.

Maybe they noticed the way I looked at him. I don't know.

However, I noticed that today, Alexa's eyes were sort of twinkling.

After the song had been played 3 times (It was on repeat), I noticed something.

When they sung the chorus, Carlos pointed at Alexa, Logan at Mackenzie, James at Peta, but Kendall, spoke to the air, but I had noticed him glance at me a few times.

I, as always, was staring at Kendall. The song started for the 4th time, and this time no one was singing. No one was smiling. Kendall was looking directly at me. I still hadn't taken my eyes off him.

The was almost finished when James made a move. Alexa went behind me and poked me from behind. James pushed Kendall forward.

Everyone knew what was up.

Alexa and James kept pushing us forward. We looked into each others' eyes, and Alexa and James finally resumed their places again.

"Girl there're some things you can't explain! Like how you have blown me away! Girl there're some things you just can't choose! Like how I would do, I would do, I would do, Anything for you!"

"Anything For You" was the last thing I heard before Kendall kissed me, full on the lips.

Oh, it was bliss. I had no memory of ever being kissed like this before.

So passionate. So meaningfull!

His arms were wrapped around my waist. My hands were resting on his chest.

We pulled away after at least 2 minutes. We smiled at each other.

"I love you" He whispered.

"I love you too, Kendall" I whispered back.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead, and then he hugged me. Tightening his grip on my waist.

I heard the others whooping. I smiled into Kendall's chest. We pulled away, and I turned around.

Alexa and Mackenzie were beaming at me. Logan, James and Carlos, one by one, went to give Kendall a one armed hug.

Peta was leaning against the fridge. Looking positively bored. (We didn't like each other much)

"Well, congratulations on finally getting a nice girl friend after a very long time" I heard Logan say.

The boys laughed and Kendall said "Yeah, thanks"

Alexa winked at me and we all went to the living room again to change the song. Kendall walked over to me before leaving the kitchen and held my hand. I looked up at him and smiled.

We decided on "Elevate" and we all laughed because Kendall started his weird dance again.

We settled down and Kendall pulled me onto his lap. I rested my head on his chest again and listened to the rythem of his beating heart, feeling happier than ever.

Peta perched herself James' knee and started whispering something to him.

Carlos and Alexa were smiling at us. Logan was giving Peta a very dirty look, and Mackenzie was trying to distract him.

Silence for a moment and they all remembered what they were all here for. They congratulated me again. I thanked everyone and smiled.

"You know, Kendall, it's a good thing you made a move on, cause (Y/N) was gonna swoop down on you if we had played that song one more time" said Alexa.

We laughed, but I said,"Well, actually, it was James and you who made the first move."

They all chuckled again.

"So it's all down to me, then!" James shouted over the laughter.


I know it would have been better if I had stopped on the kiss htere and then, but....I hope you like it anyway! :D

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