Imagine #61: Nightmares

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while...Hope this makes up for it. :) 


I was soundly asleep, but then there was a loud bang, like the sound of a door being thrown open, or rather broken down that woke me up. I looked beside me. Kendall wasn't there. I sat up, rubbed my sleep-filled eyes and got out of bed. I slowly made my way downstairs. The house we owned was big, and the whole place rung with some sort of commotion down the hall, or in the lounge. I wasn't sure.

I walked further. Five steps forwards, and my boyfriend's voice reached my ears.

"Leave! You've taken everything I have!" He sounded angry, but also there was a strong hint of the voice of someone who had something very dear to him that he did not want to share.

I walked a little further, and paused at what was before my eyes. My feet seemed to be frozen to the ground, over looking the scene in front of me. A dark man, with a black mask-like thing covering his face, and then there stood Kendall: still in his night clothes.

The man smiled wickedly at him, before taking out a pistol from his belt. "And leave, so you can tell the police? I don't think so, pretty boy. No, that won't do. Will it?" He said in a gruff voice and pointed the gun at his forehead.

I tried to move, to run forwards and, maybe help, but my feet didn't seem to want to move.

I saw a look of horror cross Kendall's face, before he closed his eyes, and opened them again: ready for what God had in store fro him. Ready, to face death bravely, straight back, and square shouldered, looking it right in the face.

But no matter what happened, I couldn't leave him like that. Before I could make another attempt to move, my feet, everything began to get blurred. I couldn't hear what the man said next. But right after that, there was the sound of the gun-shot, and I let out a scream. I scream of horror that never left me, before I woke up.

"Y/N! Wake up!" His voice said, close to me. My eyes jerked open, wide with horror, my breathing fast and shallow, my chest rising up and down rapidly, and I was covered in cold sweat all over my body except my face, that had sweat mingled with tears on it.

He pulled me up, untangling my legs from the sheets that were intertwined with them. Like a little kid, I scrambled up. He took me into his lap and without hesitating, I hugged him tightly. My legs pulled together, and my unblinking eyes still wide with the horror that still hadn't left me.

I was scared out of my wits.

Before I could notice my self, I was sobbing into his chest as he hushed me.

"Shh, shh. It's okay, it's okay, baby girl." He cooed. "It was just a dream. Just a bad dream."

I looked up at him, he was already looking down at me, and smiling in an assuring sort of way. Like he was telling me he was here for me, like that hadn't happened. Yet his own face showed signs of being afraid.

I buried my face deeper into his chest as he rubbed my back until my breathing evened up, and placed a protective kiss on my temple. I breathed in his scent. It was calming. It sort of assured me that he was here, that he hadn't left me.

Then slowly, he lay down and pulled me beside him, holding me close and pulling the covers over us. He put a protective arm around me and looked at me with shiny green orbs.

"Baby, it was just a nightmare. Just think happy thoughts and you'll be fine. I promise." He told me. "I can't." I whispered to him.

He smiled sincerely before pressing his lips to my forehead again. "What happened?" He asked.

"You d-died." I croaked, tears forming in my eyes again. For a second, he looked at me with slight surprise on his face. But then his lips curled into a soft smile.

"I'm not dead. And I'm not gonna die until I have a kid or two with you, and have some grandchildren as well." He said, with a slight smirk. I chuckled and snuggled into his side.

"I'm here, baby girl. I'll always be here."
I closed my eyes and dozed off until the sound of a gun's blast took all sleep away forever.


Kendall Schmidt ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu