Imagine #58: The Isolation Booth

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Your POV

Y/N soon-to-be-Schmidt. Yeah, that's me. Kendall's fiance. The fiance, who hasn't been getting his time of the day for almost a month. Much less than ever before. Kendall and Dustin have been working non-stop on the isolation booth he's gonna put in his studio. Even Logan decided to stop by after he came back from Texas; Kathy and I watched thorugh the window.

It's been so boring. All day that fucking hammer plays on, followed by 'Good' or 'Stop' or sometimes even a stiffled yell. From 11 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon, and then he disappears in the studio for working on a 'Surprise song', comes back for dinner, and then he's always so tired, he collapses and BAM! off to La La Land.

He's working hard, I know.But would one day without working be any different? Go to him. What else am I gonna do?

I walked downstairs and outside to the porch, where the planks and nails and hammers and tape measures and a drills and whole lot of other stuff lay. Against one of the walls, rested the door with 'TOLBOOTH' written in spray-paint. Too simple. Not like Kendall. Oh well. He does what he wants, who am I to judge? His fiance. Shut up.

Kendall was bending over, marking something on one of the huge chip-boards, I think, that's what it's called. He looked up when I walked out and smiled and waved.

I waved back and pulled out a plastic chair and pulled it out to the side and settled myself on it; watching his every move. Literally.

"1...2...3!" He counted, and together, him and Dustin lifted the wall, or whatever that was, with a rectangular whole in it. Door frame? Probably.

"What do you think?" He called. "Perfect!" I called back. He grinned and he and the other dork carried it inside his studio. I decided to follow. How are they even gonna put it in? The thing is huge!

I saw three of the walls already fitted in, and a mic-like thing set in the corner. "Looks amazing babe." I said, leaning on the little couch in another corner.

"Hey, what do you do in an isolation booth? Isolate yourself from the other idiot?" I joked. Both of them gave me a 'very funny' look, and returned to nail it on.

"Hey- no light? You're gonna sing in the dark?" I asked, peaking inside.

"Patience gorgeous." Dustin muttered. "Don't you have a girlfriend?" I giggled. He looked back at me with a confused expression. "I was talking to the door." He said, pointing at the thing Kendall was putting screws in.

I blushed, so embarrassed, and wait- When did the door come in? The door doesn't come in. Like I didn't know. You didn't. Did. Didn't. Shut it. Kay. 

"KENDALL!" came a yell from outside. He yelled back. "What?"

"There's someone on the phone for you." Kevin called. "I think it's your manager or something."

Kendall's eyes flew open and he and Dustin sprinted back inside the house; leaving the door hanging on it's hunges. Is that even safe?

I sighed and checked out their work. I have to say, pretty amazing. I went inside the dark room, and stroked the cold metal handle of the door that was in danger of falling. I huffed, planting my hands on my hips and turned around to check out the thing in the corner.

Suddenly, there was an eerie creak and and a slam and then total darkness! Holy moly God damn cow! Oh gosh, oh gosh. Oh frick. What the hell? Fuck this. Stupid both! doesn't even have a friggin light! Great! Just great!

Stop cursing. 

I found the door, and twisted the knob. You think I got out? Ha, right. The knob spun around alright. But the door wasn't fixed in and it was jammed! "KENDALL!" I yelled, panicking. No light, no exit. And I left my bloody phone in the kitchen.

"DUSTIN!" I called again. No response. They're probably still on the phone. I swear if he's leaving me again I'm gonna get some handcuffs and tie him to the bed...that is, if I get out.

Looks like I'm gonna be in here for a while. Might as well make myself at home. What are you talking about? This is home. Not the booth, idiot. Right.  

I felt my way to the wall and carefully sat down- and immediately sprang back up. I sat on a nail! 'My poor leg' I thought as I rubbed my thigh and sat down again, making sure to check the floor this time round.

Why? Why me? Me of all people to be trapped in an isolation booth. Well I can see its working though. I am isolated from my family. :'(

I began to hum to pass the time. Guess which song? 'Passing Time'.

"I need you here tonight,
Show me there's more to life,
And we're not just passing time." 
I hummed.

"You took the armor on my chest 
And tore it open, open. 
You saw my heart inside the mess, 
Said it’s not broken, broken." 

Maybe at least maybe half an hour later, there were foot-steps. "Has anyone seen Y/N?" Came Kendall's voice. I hastened to stand up. "KENDALL?" I called. "Y/N?!" He sounded shocked.

"Where are you, baby?" He called. "Hey, who closed the door?" Dustin asked from the background. "I'M IN THE BLOODY BOOTH!" I screamed.

Both of them yelled out their surprise and I heard four hands slam against the door. "Don't worry!" He called. "We'll get you out!"

"You better, Schmidt." I said as seconds later, the sound of screwdrivers reached my ears. I walked around the little booth for a while as came Dustin's continued. 'Hang in there.' 'Almost done.' 'One more, hold on.'

"Dustin, I'm not dying." I laughed. I heard them chuckle. Then another few minutes later, light came through. I feel like I haven't seen daylight in forever. Feels like being reborn. You were in there for barely half an hour! The darkest half hour of my life!

"Kendall!" I exclaimed, as soon as I got out and jumped into his arms. He wrapped his arms securely around me. "I'm sorry." He whispered. I shook my head and let go of him.

"I'll make sure to have a light in there when you go in there next time." Dustin said.

"That's my last time in there!" I said and ran behind Kendall, as if the booth was some type of monster and Kendall was my 'Knight in Shining Armour'. He is though, isn't he? Yep.

I smiled to myself and hugged my baby from behind.

"Don't you let that thing isolate me from you ever again."

"Isn't that what an isolation booth supposed to do?" Dustin asked.

"Lets lock Katelyn in next time." I said, sticking my tongue out at him, and leaning over to see Kendall doing the same thing. I chortled as Kendall turned around and kissed my forehead.


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