Imagine #82: Paper Rose

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Hey Guys!

Here's what happened: I was making paper roses for my aunt, and I made almost 86 roses (Yes, people. 86) and when I was making them, I remembered @badways's poem that has the same title (MUST READ), which also reminded me that she like break up imagines, so this one is for you, my girl, because I'm gonna miss you when you leave...


"Kendall?" You called wistfully, looking over at the green eyed man before you. He looked back at you with his enchanting eyes that you so adored.

"Yes, Y/N?"He asked, barely looking up from his phone.

"Sweetheart, are you gonna be out today too?" You asked him. He finally put his phone down and locked his eyes with yours. "I'm sorry." He said.

You sighed and took a sip of your coffee, letting the hot liquid burn your throat.

This wasn't fair. This wasn't right. Why didn't everything remain to be the same way it was when it began? Why?

You glanced at the clock. It was 9:43

If this day was like any of the others from the past three months, he would most probably leave in two minutes.

"Thanks for the breakfast Y/N." He said, as if on cue. "It was great." He said standing up and straightening his dress shirt. "Love ya." He smiled and left, leaving you to stare after him- biting your lip as the thought of the night before consumed your brain again.

But you decided to think things over once more..

There was no 'honey-ing' anymore. No more kisses. No more cuddles. No more of his special bear hugs. No more heart-to-heart talks. No more of his intense and passionate stares. No more protective kisses were left on your temple. No smiles cracked his face at the sight of you cooking. No more tickles. No more just simply goofing around together. No more walks in meadows. No more sharing candy floss. No more bouquets of your favorite flowers were left. No more calling you 'babe' or 'baby' anymore, but most of all, what hurt you most, was that his 'I love you's didn't mean a thing.

They used to. Once. Not so long ago. They used to mean so much. They used to make your heart flutter every time. They used to make you feel warm and cozy inside. They used to make you feel secure and wanted.

Now, they just felt like any other sentence. Like any other lonely tree that had decided to flower up this spring just for the heck of it.

But the trees' flowers were not here to stay. They soon had to fall off and be replaced by the big leaves. The leaves that gave shade to some. Some old man, tired of his life, those leaves would shade him from the noise of the city and the mean things he had to hear from his son every day. But unfortunately for the old man, there would come a day when the tree would no longer protect him from harm. No longer shade him. No longer protect him. They were only going to stay until they, too, lost reasons to live and decided to fall off.

And those were the same. Today, they were losing meaning.

Tomorrow, they might even get lost themselves.

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now