Imagine #109: Languages

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Italian class didn't mean a lot to Kendall, much more to his friend Carlos though. But the only thing that caught his attention, fully, was a phrase. A single phrase- regularly that he'd ignore to do but the thought of you consumed him and how much he wanted to rush all across the school and repeat the words Mrs Valdez was saying.

"Who's going to make a sentence out of it?"
Kendall watched intently as Carlos and a few others raised their hands in the air and the teacher picked Carlos who promptly spoke in Italian which Kendall translated to 'You bring a storm of love out of me'. Kendall felt his heart release endorphin's the way you feel when you hug someone you love. It sent a refreshing rush down his system and he shivered at his giddiness.

As the teacher rewarded his shorter friend with an encouragement, Kendall used his green gel pen to copy down what Carlos had just said which may have been a first on his part. He barely passed his Italian class although he had managed to learn all the words to the song Carlos was always humming to himself.

Of course, to his dismay, the phrase was the only interesting thing that happened for the rest of the class and the eleven words glistened on the open page of his notebook. Kendall rested his cheek against his closed fist as his elbow rested on his counter. He exhaled and counted along the second in time to the clock against the opposite wall until the class was over.

That night, he waited purposefully for night to fall. Kendall very randomly showed up at your doorstep after dinner. "Do you know how stupid you are?"

"You remind me everyday babe." Kendall smiled as you laughed and after greeting your parents with a smile and a wave, he followed you to your room. "What was so important that you couldn't say over the phone?" You asked, waving your iPhone in his face- IM's opened and his text 'can I come over I have something really important to say to you' was the last thing on the screen which he had sent when he'd arrived at your street.

Kendall took a breath, his eyes shining. "Tempesta brama d'amore." You took time to process his words. You frowned, not understanding because you didn't take Italian. You took French. "What?" Kendall threw his head back and laughed before placing both his hands on your upper arms and staring into your eyes, seeing him face being reflected in them. :I learned that in class today." He told you gleefully. You mocked being impressed, eyes wide and mouth ajar. "You- you paid attention in Italian?" Kendall straightened the shirt he was wearing and tried to appear modest and rather came as a show off. "Yeah, well. I try."

You laughed but curiosity irritated your insides. "So what does it mean?" You asked, putting your arms around his neck. "You ready?" You hummed in response, not leaving his eyes.

"Storm of love."
A sly smile crossed your face. "What are you getting at?"
"You bring a storm of love out of me, Y/N" Kendall's face was soft under the pale light his expression that of utmost love and his eyes almost a liquid green.
"Tu m'apporte une tempête d'amour, Kendall"


Which, translated from French, means 'You bring a storm of love out of me'- so like. The same thing.

Babes I started a new book and it's called 'Shades' and I would really appreciate it if you guys would check it out? Especially those of you who know what Blue really means. Thanks loves :)

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now