Imagine #106: Paparazzi

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yes... i listen to lady gaga. ive never not loved this song.


When the smoke cleared up, I decided to check the time. I threw my cigarette away and checked my reflection in the compact mirror and made sure my eyeliner was perfect. I freshened my lipstick and checked my camera's battery. Everything had to be perfect. I had to be prepared for this. This was my time.

Kendall Schmidt was supposed to be in this restaurant I was hidden at the side of. The 26-year-old, whom I was 'stalking' had been my crush when I was 15. Then I got a job four years later- finding juicy celebrity shit for tabloids and magazines. Well you gotta do what you gotta do to survive, I guess. I was glad I didn't ever have to come across Justin Bieber, because he would literally have broken my camera. And as much as I admired him, camera-shattering would not have been appreciated.

The door flipped open, and I peeked out from behind the bush: just a couple and their kids. I stood there for another few minutes before the door opened once again and two tall men stepped into the moonlight. They shook hands and walked together down the steps before moving in opposite directions. I knew the other guy had come in a vehicle and Kendall was on foot so following him would be pretty easy, and so, straightening my Lady Gaga top, I made sure there was a safe distance between me and him and followed in his footsteps.

Minutes later, other guys and girls my age, or older than me gave my cover away and started flashing their devices at him and asking questions. I jumped at the opportunity and somehow caught his eye. His gaze froze at me for  second, or it might have just been a trick of the light, but when he said "Alright everybody calm down!" he was definitely looking at me and grinning.

Then he fucking pointed at me.
"You first." I was ready. I'd rehearsed this too many times maybe.

"What were you and Dustin Belt meeting for?" [right HD isnt a thing here okay? okay]
"Now," He smirked. "If I told you now, babe it wouldn't be a secret."
"I think I'd like to know all your secrets." I snickered. Kendall raised his eyebrows when a guy shouted next to me, "Where's your girlfriend?" Oh shit. I thought, I'd totally forgotten.

"What girlfriend?" Kendall laughed.
"What was her name- Micaela!"
"Micaela and I broke up months ago." He said bluntly.
"Another shouted, "What happened, Kendall!?

I breathed out. 

"I was touring, and she said she couldn't work with the distance. Any more questions?"

"What about Big Time Rush?"
"They're my buds." He said after a small pause. "We'll always be there for each."
"But what about the reunion?" I asked. "You said yourself you were trying for an opportunity to gather your band-mates on a single project. What happened?"

"Carlos moved to Hawaii. James has his own thing going, and Logan has a movie gig for this year. It's impossible at this particular moment" he said, looking right at me. "And do you feel any different?"

"Of course I do. It was a lot more noise, and it's been a little quite,  but whatever that is, it is what it is. If we're going to get back, we're going to get back. I'm not making any promises currently. That's it. Have a good night." He smiled brightly, and moved out of the circle. On his way, his hand stopped at my ass and literally squeezed it.

I gasped, and as the others scattered. I heard his chuckle as he turned around and continued to walk. I stood still for a second before continuing to follow him. He went into a supermarket and I pulled out another cigarette as I waited for him. I was almost through the first one when the doors slid open and he stood there with a bag hanging from his arm. He looked around as if he expected somebody to be watching him.

I didn't bother to move into the shadows because my job was actually done and this was for my personal gain. There was nobody in the vicinity and I knew he'd see me. And he did. He smirked and walked towards me. "Bad girl." He said, motioning to the cigarette. "Are you a family guy?" I asked, looking at the bags. "Interesting."

"Call me the responsible one."
"Weren't you the one always getting hit?"
"That was for being the youngest."

I laughed.

"So you actually like my music don't you?"
"No I more enjoyed you being slapped or hit."
"You're joking right?"
"Nope. Not at all. I think your music has kind of gone a tad bit downhill."
"Excuse me?" I sounded a little offended.

"Wait, let me shut up."
"I'm not going to pretend I don't like your music. I don't even know why I'm still here. I don't even really care about your ex- I might have maybe a couple of years ago, but right now it feel like a baby's punch to the side. That's it."

"Then why are you still here?"
"I-" Why was I here? "I don't know." I said promptly. "I really don't know what I'm doing right now, or why I followed you. I don't have a crush on you anymore. I'm no longer on the job. I'm barely a fan any more. I'm not here to chase- look, I'm sorry I'm here. I shoulder leave. Have a good night." I thanked the Universe it was dark so he couldn't see my tomato red face.

"Wait" Kendall moved closer to me before I could sprint, until his lips were right next to my ear. "I'll be your biggest fan. I'll chase you down until you love me." He whispered. If I could have blushed any harder, I think I had. The wind blew in my face and he stood straighter.

"Stop quoting my shirt!" His laugh echoed around the empty parking lot. His laugh hit a nerve i guess, because the next thing I knew, I was almost shouting at him.

"I'm you biggest fan and I'll chase you down until you love me! I'm the paparazzi!"
"You sure are baby." He winked. "You wanna walk back to the restaurant or shall I prepare you a Schmidt Special at my humble home?"

I nodded. Then blushed. And that went on for years.


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