Imagine #44: THIS Is Love [2]

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So, some people asked for a part two, so this one is for Ali! (Btr_fangirl1) =]


Your POV

After that incident, I needed him. I needed my baby. I had to be with him. I felt insecure, I felt like I was being followed all around. For some reason, I felt depressed. I just needed to be with him.

I decided to fly over to UK, to take a break from everything. I needed to see his face, look into his eyes and tell him I love him. Feel his lips one mine, hug his body close to mine and never let him go, tell him he means everything to me, and he is the only one I want.

Skipping Tear-filled Flight 

I landed in London, cold winter breeze hitting my face. I took my scarf out of my hand-bag and draped it around my neck. I rolled my little suitcase over to a bench to calm down, just as another plane landed, making me colder than I already was.

I walked to the nearest Starbuck and took a cappuchino to go. While she was making it, I scrolled through my twitter. Kendall was gonna be at Big Ben to meet some of his fans. I took my coffee, and took a bus over to the place where my loved one was gooing to be in 30 minutes. I had travelled afar and was very jetlagged. I was so damn sleepy, but no. I had to see him. I had to.

As I got off the buss, I saw a couple of girls waitingaround the big clock. Obviously for Kendall. I bowed my head against the wind, grabbed my arms and walked up and down. Then I heard shrieking. I looked up. Sure enough, a tall guy has joined the group of girls. He wore that big black over-coat he had got from some aunt or uncle on his birthday or whatever.

I smiled, as the wind carried his laugh back up to where I stood. Head bent, I slowly made my way over to the green-eyed hunk I was in love with.

As I aproached nearer, the girls' eyes went wide, I put a finger on my lips, signaling them to keep quite. They did, and when I was almost a foot away, I opneded my arms, and hugged him from behind, my arms tightly wrapped across his chest with my cheek pressed against his shouolder. I felt so calm, so peaceful, from the moment I touched him, a warmth spread through my body. I loved him so much. "Hey baby." I whispered.

He turned around, his eyes huge, 'Y/N' he mouthed. He saw my tear-stained face and picked me up. Wrapping his arms around my waist securely and burying his face in my neck. I threw my arms around him and held him close, not wanting to ever let go.

He spun around twice and set me on my feet once again and pushed my hair back, soflty pecked my lips and looked at me. "Baby, what, how? When?" He asked. I just told him I missed him too much and just wanted to see him again. He didn't seem entirely convinced, but I wasn't gonna go into detail when all those girls had flown from I don't where and were waiting for him.

So, while Kendall and the girls hung around, talked, took pictures, laughed, I sat in the corner, never taking my eyes off of him. Smiling every time he laughed, giving him a 'I'm fine' looke every now and then. And after a long day, it was finally time for Kendall to get back to the hotek or where-ever he was staying.

He said his goodbyes, a few tears were shed, but finally, we were back at the platform, waiting for his train. A few girls still hung around. He was chatting to them, with his arm securely around my shoulder. The train arrived, they kissed his cheeks and Kendall and I filed in.

As we sat down, he looked at me seriously and raised his eyebrows. "Baby girl, I know that's not the only reason you'r here. We've been apart before when I'm on tour or something, you were never like this. What's wrong this time?" He asked.

I looked at him before shifting into his lap and weeping into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and hugged me, making small circles in my back.

"Sweetheart, please tell me what's wrong, I can't see you cry like this. Please." He hugged me, was almost pleading. He grabbed my nose and pulled.

Obviously trying to make me laugh, but it didn't.

"Kendaaall!" I whined.

"WHY ARE YOU LIKE THAT?!" yelled a voice. We turned our heads around and saw a couple fighting. And it looked bad. We ignored them.


"Yes baby?"

I sat up and fiddled with the loop of his jumper. "Promise me you won't get mad."

"I won't. Please tell me."

"W-when you called, yesterday, I-I was shopping with Brit, and w-we ran into m-my ex, Travis, a-and he told me h-he still loved me and wanted t-to get back together. He t-told me to dump you a-and get back with him, b-but I told him to fuck off because I love you, and only you."

He smiled and reached up and kissed me softly. "I love you babe. And you deserve so much better than me. So, so much better. Maybe you should have left me and went with Travis, but I am so happy that you didn't and I am so damn grateful to have you by my side you don't know how much I love you and you have no idea how over-joyed I am to see you here, and baby? Just promise me one thing, don't ever leave me, okay? 'Cause I'll die if you did."

"Kendall, first, I love you too, second, I would NEVER, ever in a billion years leave you and third, I won't leave you. Because if I did, would die. I love you way too much and I can't live without you." I smiled, pecked his lips once and hugged him again. His arms tightend around my waist as someone 'Awed'. We turned to look at  the couple that was fighting, not 5 minutes ago. The lady slapped her husband or whoever he was playfully. "THAT" she pointed at us. "is love."

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