Imagine #74: Meet Upon The Orange Carpet (KCA's Special!)

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This thing has nothing to do with this imagine, but for the next one- what sounds like a better title: Breathe Your Love? Or Drown In Your Love? :\


Your POV

"Y/N! Over here! Over here!" Called the Fanlala reporters. I smiled at them, before running a hand through my hair and making my way over to them, stepping over the camera wires until I finally reached them. "Hey guys!" I smiled.

"Y/N, are you excited to be here?" The interviewer asked.
"Super excited!" I told them.
"How do you feel?"
"I feel, honored, to be honest. I never thought I'd be where I am right now, and to tell you the truth, I'm shocked as well! I mean, who thought I'd get a nomination for Best Female Artist?!" She laughed and questioned me about my new single that was set to be released next week.
"It's pop song." I told them. "Lot of guitars, nice melody. Gonna get you dancing'." I told them, smiling.
"Do you miss your old days?" She asked.
"The YouTube cover days?" I asked. "Yep, but I'm also very proud to be up here, with such dedicated fans, and such amazing people to call friends. I find myself very lucky!" I told them.
"Are you excited to see anyone in particular here?" She asked. I thought for a moment before answering. "A couple of people actually." I said. "Nick Jonas, Ross Lynch- Man, I gotta get his autograph! Bailey Madison, and Austin Mahone if I can find him, and of course, if he remembers me, Kendall Schmidt." I told her.
"What do you mean, 'if he remembers you'?" She asked, looking very interested.
"Well, Kendall and I used to be friends back in Kansas."
"Aw! Reunion, eh?" She smiled.
"Guess you could say that." I smiled back. Then she wished me luck for the further future, and I moved along the Orange carpet to meet some fans. I signed some autographs and took some pictures, and handed over my bracelet to a birthday girl. Still smiling, and waving, I didn't even realize where I was going and bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said, looking up to see a man with gorgeous green eyes, wearing a fancy jacket over a dress shirt, and another man next to him who looked like he could be his brother.

"It's okay, cutie." The man smiled, and I felt my cheeks burn under the already hot sun. I smiled at him, and was just about to move forwards, when I realized he was holding a cat.

"Is that the Grumpy Cat?!" I asked, before I could contain it.
"Uh, yes it is!" He smiled, giving me a weird look.
"How come you have it?" I asked. He pointed at a lady standing a few feet away from me holding a phone in front of her. She waved at me. I waved back at her.
"Oh, are you guys taking a picture?" I asked, moving aside. "Sorry." I smiled apologetically.

"You want one too?" He asked.
"It's Grumpy Cat," I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Of course I do." He chuckled and posed for the picture. I laughed at the face him and his brother were making. He gave me a playful glare and handed the cat to me. I smiled cheekily and handed my phone to him so he could take the picture. I hugged the cat close to me and smiled happily.

I thanked him and the lady and moved along. There was something about his eyes. I feel like I've seen them somewhere before. But then again, I've met a lot of people with green eyes. But not all of them had the same look about them. Dark, yet bright, deep, yet light.

I smiled to myself and saw R5 right up ahead. Okay so even if this was my second time on the Orange Carpet, you can't help but act weird when Ross Lynch is around. He was standing right there. His platinum blond head caught the sunlight, lighting him up.

I bit my lip, but not too hard, so I didn't mess up my lip-gloss, and gently tapped Ross's shoulder.
"Hi Ross!" I smiled brightly. He looked up and returned the smile, but right then, someone ran up to me. Well, not exactly ran, but came up to me. It was the same man with the weird jacket. It would have looked crazy on anyone, but on him, it looked nothing less than sexy.

I took a minute to take in all his features, by which time I missed Ross and he went inside. Oh well. The man was looking at me like he was trying to remember something, and then he spoke up. That voice. That voice saying my name.

"Y/N?" He asked, still showing no hint of recognition. I bet he was taking just a guess.

But that voice. I knew it. It was a little different, but I knew who it was. "Kendall?" I asked, feeling my insides churn up and getting emotional for some reason. Then his eyes went wide, piercing into mine. "R-remember me?" He asked softly, smiling.
Without answering him, I threw my arms around him.

"Gosh, I missed you!" I told him, letting go of him and dabbing my eyes.
"I-I missed you too." He said, looking down at me. "Sorry I didn't recognize you earlier."
I shook my head and smiled at him again. "I-it's been so long!" I said, feeling my heart-rate rise, and then I realized why I wanted to meet him...And when I looked into his eyes again, I could tell he was just as happy to see me. I bit my lip and felt his hands on m cheeks: wiping the tears away.

I chuckled.

"Shall we go in?" He asked, holding out his arm. I grinned and hooked my arm with his and we went inside the arena, and I knew, that this Orange carpet walk, was the first of many. :)


Heeeyy! So, I'm back in imagine mood, and OMG Kendall looked so fine on the Carpet. *O*
And, the next one may be up tomorrow, but no telling since I have scool again.
See ya round,
- Kisa xxx

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