Imagine #27: Hottie Alert!

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Your POV

“Hey Kendall! Where do you want this?” I called across the room.

Kendall and I had just bought a small house together. After two months of searching, we had found the perfect place for us and we were just moving in. Cleaning everything, putting it in the right places, and stuff.

I held up a delicate little fish. It was made entirely of glass and I wanted to put it down as soon as possible so I wouldn’t break it.

“Just put in on the shelf next to the TV.” He called back.

I wiped it with a rag and placed it between the little wooden elephants already nesting on the shelf, and we continued to sort things out for the rest of the after noon.

“I. Am. Exhausted.” Kendall said throwing himself on the bed and causing my bounce up and down. I laughed.

“What’s so funny?” He asked lifting his neck to look behind him.

“You.” I answered

“What’d I do?” He asked turning over on his front and giving me the “Eye Look.”

“Don’t do that!” I said giggling cause it still makes me feel hot, and he looks SO sexy doing that. “And you’ve got dust in you hair.” I said and crossed my legs.

“What?” He said getting up and walking to the mirror. “Mmm.” He mumbled running a hand through his hair.

“Go take a shower.” I told him over my book.

“What’re you reading? He asked sitting in front of me.

A Series Of Unfortunate Events Volume: 13” I answered

“Weren’t you reading that a month ago too?”

“That was Volume: 1”

“How many are there?”


“How is it?”



“Really long story.”

“Tell me.”

I put my book down. “No parents, house burnt down, friends kidnapped, all three siblings almost killed, fourth cousin after fortune left by parents, they get false hope that their folks are alive, but they are dead and right now they’re stuck in the middle of an ocean with the enemy.” I recited.

“How unfortunate.” He said staring at the roof.

I smiled.

“Wanna join?” He smirked


“I’m gonna take shower…”

I blushed. “No. You go and come back, quick.”

“Okay.” He said getting up and kicking off his shoes. He walked out and I returned to my book. Poor Baudelaires.

Ten minutes later, the door opened and Kendall walked in. Wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. I pretended not to have seen and buried my nose in the book again.

He chuckled.

“Seriously?” He asked smirking again. What’s it with the smirk? Can’t he quit?

“ ‘Seriously’, what?” I asked

“You’re shy to see me in a towel?”

“I didn’t see you at all.”

“Oh yeah? Look up.”

I looked. His hair was sopping wet, he was wearing navy blue pajamas, but still not shirt.

I felt my face burn. Hottie Alert!

He smirked again and threw his shirt on. He laid down beside me and put his arm around me. I marked the page and put my book down and snuggled into his arms.

“I love you." He mumbled

"I love you too, hottie."

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now