Imagine 100: Shooting Stars

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A hundred imagines! 75k Reads! You guys are amazing, and I cannot thank you enough for supporting me, and giving such an amazing and heartwarming feedback each. and. every. single. time.
Anyway! This is based off a song I recently heard, and I hope you guys enjoy this! :)
Song: Airplanes 



This is cliche, but I'm in love with my best friend.

Kendall sat beside me in the grassy floor beneath the dark sky. It was almost midnight, but LA was always in such a hustle. Every street light, lamp post and millions of head lights were illuminating the city, and it was so bright on the ground, that the moon could barely show, and the stars could barely shine. Also, it was New Year's Eve.

Both of us were going to head home in ten minutes so celebrate with our family's since we were barely of age. I sighed and looked up again. Not a single star. Though, every few minutes, an airplane would shoot pass above us.

I glanced at Kendall who was jittery and kept looking at his phone again and again.

"What's up?" I asked. He bit his lip, his eyes sparkled in the dark.
"I.. am sort of- waiting for a text." His lips stretched into an excited smile of a five year old.
"Who's the girl?" I asked, smirking and bouncing my eyebrows about and sinking inside.
"You know, Daf." He rolled his eyes. That was right. I knew.

I fell back and crossed my arms behind my neck.

"The city's beautiful, you know." I spoke softly.
"City of Angels." He chuckled.

"No, not because of that you shallow ass-hat." I laughed and looked at him. He was looking down at me. "Then what?"

"Because... the lights." I said. "It's like the stars are on the ground."
"That's why we have the Walk Of Fame."
"You're hopeless." I muttered and gave up trying to explain.

"It's ugly." He said. I looked curiously at him.
"How'd you mean?"
"You can't see anything." He said.

I sat up again. "I think this is a Philosophical Kendall moment. Keep going."

"I mean, it's so bright down here, that you can't see anything up there." He pointed to the sky. "What's the point of so much light if you're going to snuff out the real beauties? Have you seen those photos of the Earth that are rolling on Twitter right now? The Earth is so damn lit up right now, but what about out of the planet? What about the zillions of stars that we can see if we just turn the lights off? Think of all the constellations we could see, Daphne. Think of all the stars you studied in Astrology. We'd be able to see all of them if only there wasn't just so much light. We'd be able to see shooting stars."

I stared at him.

Another plane flew past, I looked up and saw the lights on it's underside blinking and the thing moved with the speed of an unmistakable shooting star.

I looked back at Kendall. "You're right." I said. "I sometimes wish for that too. And here's the slight irony: we can't wish because we can't see the stars."

He sighed. I fell back again.

"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are shooting stars?"


I kept my eyes fixed to the sky.
Kendall settled beside me, and we waited for another one. This time, it took longer, or maybe we were anticipating the plane so they decided to make us wait for it. Well, I had all night.

"There." Kendall whispered. I saw it coming. I saw the blinking lights.

"Star light, star bright" We chanted together. "The first little star that I see tonight. Wish that I may, wish that I might, have the first wish that I wish tonight." We shut up and silently wished.

I wish Kendall would notice me another way. Think of me as more than a friend- because I'm done chasing him. I'm done waiting. Please- 


I yell of triumph scared me. I scuttled and looked at him. He was grinning like a mad man and looking at his phone. "It worked!" He shouted. "It freaking worked! Airplanes in the night sky are shooting stars!" He exclaimed.

"Kendall, what happened?" I asked, rejected.
"She texted me! Micaela asked me to come- I'm sorry Daf, I'm really sorry but I have to go. I have to go to her party. I'll see you tomorrow- okay? Thankyouokaybye." He said in a rush and I heard his footfalls disappear. I was left alone beneath the dark sky.

An astray tear feel to my jeans, and suddenly it got colder. I wrapped my sweated tighter around me and I stood up, pushing my hair back. I trudged back to my house.

It was luck, because if airplanes in the night sky were shooting stars, I would've gotten my wish too.

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