Imagine #28: The Zombie Couple Strikes Again! (Halloween Special)

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Your POV

I was in the lounge with my mom, waiting for my boyfriend, Kendall, to show up. He was taking me to his house for Halloween dinner with the Schmidts. Mom had reluctantly said yes. Dad hadn't hesitated, because he liked Kendall very much. Though he had made rude comments about him sometimes which had made me fire up. 

Then the bell rang. I got up and opened the door. My first impression was that this really is a corpse from the grave. I screamed at the sight. Then I heard familiar laughter coming from the mouth of the horrifying figure in front of me. Mom came running over, and screamed too.

"Kendall, this is not funny!" I said as he sat down on the front steps unable to contain his amusement.

"You- should-ve seen yo-ur face!" He laughed.

"I see my face everyday, thank you very much." I crossed my arms as mom sighed, shook her head and went back to her magazine. Kendall gulped and stood up and surveyed me up and down.

"You..are going as...?" He asked slowly.

"I'm going as Me. Get it? No one is going as me, so I thought I should." I said as I took his hand and it came off. I screamed again. He laughed and removed the plastic hand. I smacked his arm and led him inside to get a drink or something to eat.

"No, you are not, miss. You are going as a Zombie too, remember last week? Come on. Get dressed, please? For Sexy Zombie Kendall's sake." He fluttered his lashes, making him even more scary. I thought back to last weekend.


"Babe! I know what we're going as for Halloween!" He suddenly shouted.

"What?" I asked

"Zombies!" He grinned

"Again?" I said remembering last year.

"We don't have another choice." He said making a duck-face.

"Course we do. We can go as Mummies. All we need is toilet paper!" I said.

"Hmm. We've got toilet paper to spare? Because we gotta cover every single body part." He said thoughtfully.

"Okay. We can't go as mummies." I gave up.

"Yay!" He cheered. "Okay, so I'll pick you from your place and then we'll go back to mine for dinner."

"Sure. But we'll look the same as last year. What's the point?" I asked

His eyes flashed. "You wait, baby." He winked


"Why aren't dressed yet?" He asked

"I should be a grave digger. That'll go well with your costume." I said.

He gave me a 'Really?' look.

"Okay, okay." I threw my hands up in defense. "I er, need your help. I don't know what I'm gonna do." I said and stared at his face.

His left cheek as if it had been cut open, he had the same kind of mark on his forhead, his neck had a greenish tinge to it, he looked as though had just sprinkled mud on his face, on eye ball was the usual green, but the other was an opal white. His hair was in spikes and he wore a black coat. I can't do that on my own.

"Okay, I'll help you." He got up and led me to my room and sat me down on the dresser.

"Shouldn't we be doing this in the bathroom?" I asked.

"Yeah, okay. Come on." He said hurriedly.

We went to the bathroom and he sat me down again.

Silent and consentrated work, and I looked at myself and screamed for the third time. Kendall laughed again and helped me down. "Something's missing." He said

"Clothes?" I asked

"YES!" He said he said ruined my white tank top with red paint. "Seriously, Kendall?"

"Yes, baby. It's Halloween. Don't be a kill-joy." He pouted.

I laughed again and kissed the ripped skin on his chhek that made me feel so weird.

"Mom! We're leaving!" I called

She came over and screamed. "Oh my. The zombie couple strikes again!" She smiled

"Have fun." She said.


 Kendall and I were howling with laughter. Every kid or adult that saw us, screamed or jumped. "It was worth becoming a zombie again." I laughed. "This was so much fun."

He smiled at me. "Don't smile Kendall. I'm still scared of you." I said seriously.

He smiled again and put his arm around my neck. We had faced the horrible LA traffic and were standing on the door-step, waiting for someone to open the door.

"But Zombies are epic, you cant deny that." He said

"Yes, they are." I smiled and stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. Right at that moment, Kevin opened the door. "Get a room, freaks." He said. He was dressed as a vampire or something.

I blushed as Kendall narrowed his eyes - well, eye- at his brother. I had a distinct impression that he was watching thorugh the peep-hole.

Just as we walked in, Kathy came into view. She put her hand over her mouth, turned around and gased. We laughed again.

Kathy shook her head and looked at us. "The zombie couple strikes again." She huffed. She was dressed up as a milk maid, as far as I could tell. She smiled. "Did he do that to you? Or you did it yourself?" She asked.

"Nope. He's the one who dug me up from the grave and brought me back to this world." I joked.

She laughed as Kendall said. "Now, I'm looking for people to eat, before I start falling apart."

I laughed and threw my arms around his neck from the side and kissed his cheek.

Kevin made a retching sound again.

"Don't make us wanna eat you up, Kevin." I said.

"Oooh! I'm scared!" He said sarcastically.

We smiled and called out loud. "Don't make the zombie couple strike you as their next meal!"

We smiled again as Kendall picked my up kissed my forehead with his Zombie lips and carried me to dinner, where we ate Kevin.

Kidding. ;)

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