Imagine #103: Diamonds & Pearls

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As of recent, wiping the smile of his face had become hard. People had palpable tension in rooms, he had palpable joy in his. The little blond pigtails bounced as the little girl jumped repeatedly, holding on to the sides of her little white cot. "Da!" The infant squealed, followed by mismanaged and slipped over baby words which sounded like questions.

He did his best to answer them.

"Absolutely! Momma's working so I get to watch my baby girl today. Isn't that great!?"
Kendall crouched on his knees next to the small bed to he was nose-to-nose with the baby. A little palm came and rested on his beaming face. Kendall turned to kiss his daughter's hand.

"My beautiful baby Pearl."


8 years later 


His shoulder ached a bit for having the guitar hanging from it for so long, but for the moment he didn't care. It was his favorite day, and he was going to spend the rest of the remaining hours of November 2, with the people he cared for most.

Over the years, his party guest list had shortened considerably. His day wasn't spend with some girl dressed in a tight glittery top holding a cake and about two hundred people. His cake was made at home, with the hands of his loved ones. His three most favorite girls in the world. The only people on the guest list were his brothers, their wives, his band mates, their wives, and children for Carlos, and or girlfriend for James.

Although, since Carlos had moved to Hawaii the past four or so birthdays had been spent without him. He was rarely back in LA but it was what it was and he was visiting at the moment. He could smell cakes and the warm smell of ovens when he stepped put of his car.

The smile reappeared on his face as he saw a light in the kitchen and a little girl on a counter. He bounded up the stairs, through the still white living room and into the black-tiles kitchen. "Girls!"

"Daddy!" Screamed the infant and flying into his arms.
"Hey handsome," You crooned, batting your eyelashes at him. Kendall bit his lip before leaning down to kiss you. "Daddy stop!" Pearl exclaimed. You laughed against his lips and pushed him away. And in minutes, the snacks were on the table, his friends and their kids were here, his daughter among them, they were creating quite a racket causing Kendall to worry about the other baby sleeping only a few doors down.

"Kendall! Where's Diamond?" Alexa asked, grinning with Baby Gabrielle on her hip.
"She is supposed to be asleep, but I'm gonna go get her." He was chuckling at the chatter when he opened the soft purple room and found another eight-month old playing by herself in cot.

As soon as she saw him, Diamond's eyes widened and she shrieked almost as loud as the children downstairs. He carried her downstairs. Sofie, Diamond, Ocean, Pearl, Justine, Benny and Jackson were most definitely your infant squad goals.

Sofie and Diamond lay side-by-side conversing in their own language, telling their own stories and just screaming at each other. Kendall stopped everything for a second and approached his baby girl. He bent over her, nuzzling his nose into her neck, causing her to kick and shout in delight. He whispered to her "My beautiful baby Diamond."


another eight years later 


"Do you have any idea how much I adore you?" Kendall smiled into your neck. You laughed.
"Always, baby. Always."
"You should literally stop calling me baby now."
"Does Queen fit my queen?" You smirked before kissing his cheek.

After making his way downstairs, he found Diamond already awake and playing with her dolls in the not-so-white-anymore living room and Pearl sprawled across the couch.

"Good morning, Dad!" Pearl called, sitting up to kiss his cheek.
"Daddy!" Diamond laughed, launching herself onto his leg and throwing her arms around his neck. Kendall laughed and kissed both of the green-eyed girls. "Good morning Princesses."

You came down the stairs, your hair in the exact same bun as Pearl's, your smile exactly like the one on Diamond's face. "Queen!" Kendall called. Pearl closed her eyes and fell back into the couch. "You two are such goals." You laughed and kissed her head. "Morning to you too."

The girls left Kendall's side and all three of them filed into the kitchen to make chocolate-chip pancakes- and Kendall couldn't help but think: they're worth more than diamonds, more than gold: they're my nucleus, they're my world. My girls. My gems.


honestly what was this, lmao.
okay, i can almost promise regular updates now.
and i almost swear im done with daddy imagines. 
(like i dont have any listed in my list so....)
tomorrow will be cute. promise. tc of yourself.
you're beautiful and deserve the world :)

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