Imagine #50: Late Again

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50 imagines! Wow, I can't tell you how happy I am. I seriously love you all. Thank you for al the support and the feedback which makes me smile every single-

Will you shut up? What? They have to know.

ANYWAY! Plus, The title is so brilliant because there is one prior to this that is very similar to it, and it is so fitting I should receive an Oscar for thinking up the 'Best Title Of A Kendall Schmidt Imagine' award-

Give it to them already!
Oh pl-
Will you- 


Your POV 

5 Minutes.
15 minutes.
30 minutes.
1 hour.
Hour and  a half. 

 The door rattled and then foot-steps coming closer. A dull thunk; the sound of a guitar case being put down. A deep sigh and then the tall frame of my long-term boyfriend came into view. He stopped a few feet in front of me and sighed again.

"I'm sorry baby girl. But the song just didn't sound right until and hour ago, and then we had to record it, and I was getting tired and then Dustin threw his water in my face to wake me up and we had an arguement and then the recording took ages and I know I promised I'd take you to dinner today but I swear we'll go there tomorrow. Baby?"

He sat down beside me. I looked at him. "Did I say I was mad at you?" I asked in a raspy voice since I hadn't spoken anything in over three hours. "No, but I am sorry, and you have every right to be mad at me and you should be and I'm ready for the punishment, too."

I looked up at him and smiled. He is bloody tired, and he's still apologizing to me for being late. I should be getting him into his sweatpants right now. But his saying all that was enough.

He smiled back and moved closer to me. I sat up and scooched over onto his lap and hugged him over the shoulders. He put his arms around my back hugged back as I buried my face in his shirt. His scruff tickled my neck as he pressed his lips to it.

An electrifying shiver went through my body. "Kendall." I whispered.

He smiled against my skin that was now getting goose bumps. I closed my eyes.

He stopped, leaned back and looked at me. "Should we take this upstairs?" He smirked.

I just looked at him. He chuckled and then all of a suddden scooped me into his arms. I laughed as we went up upstairs and he made up for being late.


[Okay I'm being dirty. I need to stop. :P] 

NEXT DAY (4:30 PM) 

He should be home in half an hour. That is, if he's not late again. But after last night, maybe I don't mind him being late? No, actually I do. He swore we're going for pizza and there is no backing off from that. I wouldn't give that up for anything. Anything.

But what if he is late again? Oh boy...

I decided to watch a movie, but soon my eyelids became heavy and I drifted off to dreamland.

A buzzing sound, my eyes flew open. "Oh God!" I whispered rubbing my eyes and checking the time. 5:37.

I picked up my phone from the coffee table. 2 missed calls and 3 texts.

'Hey babe.'
'I'm sorry but i wont be home till l8. :( This is taking to long.'
'I love you, okay?? Bye. :*' 

Okaaayyy...Give me a some time to process that. Well, that didn't take long! He'll be late. Again!


I looked up from my magazine and sighed, for what felt like the hundredth time. He still hasn't come back yet.

What an ideal boyfriend. Comes home late and makes up by...Don't even get me there.

And here's the bell! 

I got up and opened the doorfor him. He smiled, bent down and picked my up over his shoulder.

"Put me down, Schmidt!" I screamed beating his back.

"Nope!" He laughed and picked up his guitar with his other hand. I stopped and looked at the musical instrument in his hands. "Kenny, is that a new guitar?"

"Yep!" He answered and sat me down on the kitchen counter. "I'm sorry." He said sticking out his bottom lip and giving me those abandoned puppy eyes he knows gets him everywhere.

"It's okay. I understand, you're busy." I said leaning on my arms. He took my hand and stroked it with his thumb. "But you're more important than my music." He mumbled after a while.

"Aw! Really, K-Bear?!" I gushed. "Yes," he kissed my hand. "really."

I smiled, and he ran outside and out put on some music. I followed. He ran back to me at the entrance of the kitchen, took my han and began to dance. [Remember the 'Just Dancing' video on IG h posted last year during the BTR tour 2014?] 

I laughed and danced along.When we were finally exhausted, he plopped on the couch and pulled me against him. He put his arm around me and we sat in silence for a while, with music still playing in the background.

"Let's go upstars."

"No, you great dirty pervert." We smirked at each other.

More silence.

"You hungry?" He finally asked.

"Starved." I told him.

"Then lets go grab a pizza!"

"Weren't we supposed to do that an hour ago?"

"Better late than never." He smiled.

I laughed and followed him to the car. But of course, his favourite pizza place was closed.

"Late?" I smirked.

"Again!" He said as he punched the steering wheel, angry at himself and accidentally hitting the honk. He looked around guiltily.

I giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Maybe tomorrow?"

"Sure." He said. "That is..."

"Don't even say it!"

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