Imagine #68: Perfectly Imperfect

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Kendall's POV

I walked over to the kitchen in the house in which I lived with my girlfriend, brothers, and parents. Me and Y/N have been together for like half a decade. Our anniversary was in two months, and I plan on proposing on that day.

After a long and tiring, yet fruitful, day in the studio, I was finally free as a little birdie.

Oh, and kitchen because Y/N is an amazing cook and I was so hungry I could give up my organic appetite...nah. But lets not forget I'm the master chef here.

"Hey Kendall!" She greeted, once she had seen me standing at the door, gawking at her.

"Hey!" I walked over and kissed her cheek.

"That smells perfect." I said, inhaling deeply.


"Yeah." I kissed her cheek again. "'Cause baby everything about you is, perfect, perfect." I sang softly. "Is that a new song?" She asked, giving me a big smile. "Because nothing about me is perfect. You're the most perfect thing in the room."

"After the thing you're making and you."

"Before us."


"You're better."

"You're perfect."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"Anyone else?"

"Aren't I enough?"

"Hell, no."


She laughed, got on her toes and kissed my nose. "You're perfect." She whispered.

"You are." I argued.

"List the thing, will you?"

"You've got perfect (Y/H/C), perfect eyes, perfect lips that I so love to kiss, the most perfect body, and the most perfect cooking skills, if that makes sense. You're perfect baby. In every way."

"Kendall." She said.


"Nobody perfect...except you."

"And you."

"I don't think I'm perfect."

"I think you are."

"You think wrong."

"You think I'm wrong?"

"Perfectly wrong."

"But I'm not perfect."

"Yes, you are."

"Says who?"

"Your entire fandom and me."

"Well, I don't know what you guys see in me." I shrugged.

"I don't know what you see in me."

"Your perfect-ness." I smiled.

"You're both perfect for each other! Isn't that enough?" Mom had entered the kitchen, and was probably listening to our pointless bickering.

"Yeah, but he's saying I'm perfect, as an individual." Y/N said. "Which I'm not."

"You ar-"

"You're both perfectly imperfect. Now can you stop arguing?" She asked in an exasperated voice. Me and Y/N burst out laughing as she turned away. As she did, I turned to Y/N again.

"Come here babe." I grabbed her waist, taking out my phone and snapping a quick selfie.

"Perfeclty Imperfect" ... and perfect for each other!
@Y/IG/N Love you babe. You're perfect. ♡ 


Haha. Honestly, this is my favorite one. :)

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