Imagine #67: Tooth Fairy

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Me and my husband, Kendall Schmidt, of almost eight years, were cuddling on the couch, watched a movie. I was sitting on his lap, with my face in his neck and his chin on top my head and his arms around my waist and a blanket covering both of us. We weren’t actually watching the movie, we were just cuddling, to be perfectly honest.

But then, there was a scream that pierced the air. Kendall and I jumped apart and sprang up the stairs, to our seven-year-old daughter, Kendra’s bedroom. We burst through the door to see her sitting on the floor with a Barbie in one hand and a dribble of blood trailing the right corner of her mouth. Kendall sighed in relief and carried her to the bathroom to gargle the blood out.

While he was gone, I looked around for the little milk tooth. We knew shad a loose one for quite some time now. She was generally very brave, but I think the blood freaked her out.

I found the tooth near the foot board of her bed. She must’ve banged her head/face there.

I picked it up and got a wet tissue to clear out the dried blood that still shimmered on the tooth.

I went down to the living room to see Kendra’s face shining with tears as Kendall tried to calm her down.

“Hey, hey, shh, baby girl.” He cooed. “You know what, sweetie? You know about the tooth fairy, right?” He asked her. She nodded. “You know what? If you keep your little tooth under your pillow, she’s gonna come and pay you a visit!” He told her in an excited manner.

“Really, daddy?” She asked lifting her blond head from her father’s chest.

“Yes, now be a good girl and get ready for your nap!”

As she jumped out of his lap, and went up the stairs, I sat down beside him. “Did you give her some ice-cream?” I asked. He nodded. “Yep.”

I nodded as well, and went to help Kendra find her pajamas.

“I want daddy!” She whined. I sighed. “Daddy!” I called over my shoulder. I kissed my little girl’s temple and left, just as Kendall entered, wearing a triumphant smile that earned him a glare. He went over to his daughter and sung ‘Cover Girl ’ to her.

Meanwhile, I made myself some coffee, and some for him. A while later, he came downstairs, still humming the song. “When does the Tooth-fairy operate?” I asked, sipping my drink.

“She’ll be out for like, two hours, so in 30.” He answered, as I handed him his mug.

Two And A Half Hours Later

“DADDY!! The tooth fairy came!”

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