Imagine #31: Last Wish (Part 3/4)

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Thanks a lot for reading guys! Just one more part left and I really need those Reads! Spread the word and help me win the CD!! Lova ya all, thanks!!



I turned to look at the door, and there he was! Kendall Francis Schmidt was standing in the doorway. He was smiling that perfect smile, that reached his enchanting green eyes. The smile on my face didn't falter a bit as he sat down on a chair beside my bed.

"Hey Y/N." He said, still smiling.

"Hi. Thank you so much for coming!" I said before I could stop myself.

"No problem." He said simply. "I have nothing to do, as you probably know I'm on break, and besides, my notifications are exploding. So, I just couldn't help but go and see that Vine video you made. And seeing that you love me, and my work so much, why would I let an amazing and beautiful girl like you die without making your wish come true?" He finished with a smile.

I blushed a little and smiled back. Then he leaned forwards and hugged me. Best hug ever. I swear I died right there. Not that I needed it, I was already dying.

"So, how long've you been here?" He asked.

"A couple of weeks." I answered.


We sat in awkward silence for a while. He was rubbing the 'Hand-Band Tattoo' on his wrist, and I was just gazing at his perfect features. Then-


"Yeah?" He looked up.

"Nothing. Just wanted to hear myself say your name."

He laughed. Oh, my gosh, his laugh! "You do that any old time." He said.

"Yeah, but not in front of you." I told him.

"Hmm." He said again. "Point taken."

My turn to laugh.

"So, got Happy Mistakes yet?" He asked.

"Yep! I absolutely love it! It's so amazing! 'Specially 'Love Defined'. It's my absolute favorite, and 'Had To Be Panama' is so rad. And-"

Wait, wait ,wait! Y/N, stop! He'll think you're a nut-case. Control it! Said a voice in my head.

I zipped up and looked innocently up at him. His smile had grown very big. Stretched over his entire face. His eyes were literally laughing.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked still smiling.

"I feel stupid." I muttered looking down.

"Hey- what? Why would you feel like that? Please continue your description of the album. I love listening to feedback from fans!" He said grinning.

I smiled at him again and jabbered on.

"Well, 'One Track Mind' gets me dancing without realizing I'm doing it, and that sometimes gets mom mad a little, and when I'm listening to 'Parallel' too loud, dad- well, gives me that intimidating stare. Oh, and 'Nicotine' is nothing short of AMAZING..." and I chatted on and on, Kendall kept smiling, laughing occasionally and just when I was about ask why didn't he put 'Better Get To Movin' on the album, the door opened and mom walked in.

He stood up. "Hello, I'm Kendall. Kendall Schmidt." He introduced himself. Mom was wearing a weird sort of grimace. Like the one she usually has on her face when I'm scrolling through my Twitter profile and laughing at Kendall's funny Tweets.

"You two need anything?" She asked.

"Nope." We answered together. She nodded and left again.

"You know," I told him as the door shut behind mom. "they're gonna take another shot at removing the cancer." His expression changed to a slightly concerned one.

"How many have they taken already?" He asked.

"Just one." I told him. "But they say I'm a lot better now, than I was weeks ago, and I've got a little chance of surviving."

He sat up starighter, and leant forwards a bit. "Well, let's just hope this one works, because I can't let you die." He said in a serious voice.

I smiled gratefully, and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my back and held me close to him. Then we pulled away after a while and we continued to talk. About the album, Logan's lazy self, James's new movie, future songs, more concerts, and before I knew it, it was starting to get dark outside and mom was at the door again. What now?

"Oh, Y/N listen." He said standing up. "How about I come back tomorrow? I've got something to take care of-"

"No, it's okay Mr. Schmidt." Mom cut him off. "We understand, you're busy."

Really mom? I frowned.

"Actually, I'm on break. Been a while and maybe I'll wake another week or two before I start thinking about what I wanna do next." He smiled. "Oh, and please. Call me Kendall." I beamed.

"Oh, okay then." She said as dad joined her at the door. He shook their hands, waved at me and left. The both turned at sat beside me again.

I've got a good feeling about this. I don't know, I just do. He's here. He's gonna come back. It was so great meeting him. I just know I'm gonna be okay. Because everyting wil lbe just fine, this time...

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