Imagine #88: Nothing To Lose

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Hey Guys!
So, first off, I wanna ask if there are any Espinosa girls out there? If there are, you gotta check out my friend EspinosaCuddles_xo 's story, 'Back For You'. If not, check it out anyway. It's awesome! It's not a cliche bad boy story about Matt. This one is much, much better! So, give it a peak, kay? ;)
Thanks, Love y'all- now enjoy :)

[ PS. Making up for the past five sad imagines in a row. lol]


You stood in front of the mirror and frowned. 'No,' You thought, 'Not this one', and turned back to your closet, tearing the one with your obsession, Eminem on it, off your body. Half naked, you stood there, rummaging through the collection of colorful tops. Striped. Spotted. Tank. Crops. Plain. Tie-died. You name it. It was there. It was just that your boyfriend was really very crazy.

You chuckled softly at the thought of him and continued to push shirt after shirt to your left. You were still busy looking through for a second time, when you heard the door open behind you. Suddenly very self conscious, you picked up the top from the floor, your nails scratching across the rough surface, and held it against your torso. "Look away!" You shouted at his tall, snickering figure- but he obliged and turned his face and went straight for the window on the other side of the room and began to hum quietly.

You ignored him and continued your search while his humming got louder.

"Shoot me down,
But I won't fall,
I am titanium,
Ricochet, you take your aim,
Fire away, fire away..."

You finally pulled out long red one with a little bow on it. Satisfied with your choice, you turned around and dropped the Eminem merch to the floor again. You pulled the wire hanger out and tossed it to the bed and straightened the top.

"I'm bullet proof,
Nothing to lose, whoa- except that!" His voice said behind you. You jumped, eyes popping, you caught him, not looking at the wall but staring at you with nothing but wonder on his face. "Look away!" You snapped at him again.

"Oh ho, no way baby. I am not." He said as he sat down in the bed and continued to gawk at you.
"Fine." You said, feeling your cheeks burn hotter and hotter by the second as you shoved the fabric over your neck and felt the light material hug your body. "Feast your eyes!" You said sarcastically, throwing your hands up, smirking to see his face turn to a pout.

You shook your head, slightly angered and huffing, you began to drag your hairbrush through your long hair while he sat in silence, an uncomfortable one if truth be told. You reached down for the bottle of perfume but missed his reflection in the mirror.

Out of the blue, you felt two arms wrap tightly around you from behind. You felt his hands travel a little up your shirt. "Don't do that again." You mumbled to him, referring to his gawking.
"Irresistible." He said, leaning forwards and kissing your lips softly.

"Kendall!" You moaned, trying to pry his fingers away and loosen his grip.
"You love me." He smirked at you as he let you go. You looked at him for a second before hanging your head. "It's funny." You said, thinking about it, because well d'uh, it was obvious. "I actually do."

Soooo lame :P

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now